
And why "smart cops" will look at MySpace even more closely.

If you've never used this before.. how would you know it isn't any good? Of course traditional ways are always classic... but a person should also keep an open mind and try out new methods of doing things and not be so "closed minded".

I was wondering about that too... it said Free Mustard Drizzle... so they usually charge for mustard in the UK?

It seems like the cops in Canada are more friendly. Had this happened somewhere in the USA, all kinds of weird charges would have been brought forth.. and then "people" would be saying things like they got what they deserved... and so forth (so much anger & hatred in the USA). Oh, and don't even let me get into

What about a Steampunk version?

What if someone was caught taking a whiz being some building... and then is labelled a sex offender.

You forgot to mention anyone caught urinating in public... so for example, if someone was driving home but had to "go" really bad... they could be arrested, charged and convicted of being a sex offender for simply taking a "whiz" behind some building.. and most people, being ignorant and not caring about actual

They seem more like turrets to me for some reason.

Now playing

Anyone else remember watching the TV cartoon series?

Are there any countries on this planet that don't have corrupt leaders? If so, name at least one.

I think the study would have been both more informative and interesting had they researched subjects who were capable of "lucid" sleep.

Are you sure it's not just your phone that's having problems receiving a signal? When you have visitor, are they able to get anything? My previous phone couldn't get any signal at all inside my house.. I had to always step outside... but when I upgraded to a new phone, I was always able to get a signal.

I will admit.... I felt the ended kind of sucked ... so I played it again and selected the other option... but that felt just as bad and bland.

I tried playing a Male Shepard and it was bored like crazy... the female version is way better. Although I will admit I did have a play-through with a black male renegade shepard... that was quite interesting.

You do make a valid point... It's the ones who own the corporation that causes excessive greed.

Once you're forced to move into that cave, more charges will be created so help pay for all their trophy wives.

Your argument is assuming the government doesn't already have a well-developed space program. Just because it's not announced or seen doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

You don't honestly believe you would be told the truth, do you?

You should say: Couldn't Care Less

I think my all time favorite Star Wars games has to be Republic Commando with The Force Unleashed a close second.