Steve B.

I'll admit that I don't watch Comedy Central roasts, but I don't understand what Ann Coulter was even doing there. Why was she invited? She's not a comic and she's barely a celebrity. Until Trump's candidacy, I forgot she even existed. I thought she had slinked back into the shadows during the last days of the

This article is just Gregg Turkington's segment "On Cinema On Location" from On Cinema, except it's not ironic. Lol.

Just stop watching the "Inside the Episode" segment if you feel that way. It's not like main plot events in the show, where even if you don't watch it, it's going to inevitably get spoiled for you. It would be very easy to avoid this information if you wanted to.

Dude, they even spelled "click" with a "K". Also, did anyone watching this show not immediately conclude that the note was from Gus? We know Gus ultimately meets Mike, we know Gus knows Salamanca, we know Gus is currently hatching a Titus Andronicus-style revenge scheme that involves Salamanca that he wouldn't want

"HHM has to be positioned as the unimpeachable choice, because CEOs, like coaches punting on fourth down, would rather avoid the criticism that comes with bucking conventional wisdom than actually succeed."

Dang, all of these comments are making me feel a little self-conscious. I'm not a lawyer, I'm an engineer, but I didn't get my bachelors in engineering until I was 29 (I got an art degree out of high school and fucked around with that for a few years before going back to school for engineering). People like me

He said he played a major role at Chappaquiddick, lol

I laughed harder at that than at any other joke in the episode.

I'm sorry that your life is so bad that you need to try (hilariously impotently) to hurt the feelings of people on the internet to distract yourself from your own pain and self-hatred. Feel better, man.

I thought I was reading an opinion piece and was judging it on those grounds. If I'm reading a humor piece, this article is a thousand times worse. It's pure dog shit.

Both articles about Seinfeld's recent comments, which seem both: A. pretty tame, and B. pretty commonly held amongst people in his line of work, have been unbearably dismissive. It's bizarre because it's like the writer isn't even familiar with Seinfeld's body of work. Even comedians with progressive politics tend

"We knew something like that was going to happen, right?"

You're a complete retard who keeps taking offense to a dude who was just telling a joke that was not a bash at you at all. Nice tantrum, it represents you.

Dude, the show has been portraying Dennis as being one or two steps removed from being a literal serial killer since like, Season 3.

I had to pause the episode, I was laughing so hard. Frank is such a piece of shit.

They were basically the same characters as the characters who represented the laugh track sitcom in last season's "The Gang Tries Desperately to Win an Award".

…you didn't do the sex robot voice, did you?

Someone wrote the word "gullible" on Urban Dictionary, you might want to go give it a thumbs down…

Brock was just placing another tiny O.S.I. camera on the banister, Rusty didn't hand him anything. They came very close to one another, but that was just to illustrate how oblivious Rusty was to Brock's presence.

No, I really doubt this is the reason. We live in an age where the show Hannibal is on broadcast television (yes, a different network, but still).