
What about extended swingarms on sports bikes *designed* for road racing? Hayabusa, sure, go for it. But on liter bikes it strikes me that it’s like having an Indycar and then modifying it for drag racing.

“I’m sure it could’ve happened anywhere,” Zeller continued. “We don’t really think it has anything to do with Philadelphia.”

we should totally get a kickstarter going to put that guy Buzz Aldrin punched on this manned trip so that he can, on live webcast, look out at the lander and admit its presence. then leave him there.

Meanwhile California will install a multi billion dollar “high speed” train network with Trains that don’t actually meet the specifications that they requested on their bid, that won’t be high speed, very few people will actually use, and it will ultimately fail.

Ah, the increased militarization of Batman continues, I see.

Most likely the same Ecoboost V6 that is powering Ganassi’s current Daytona Prototype Car. Proven endurance powerplant that already won the Daytona 24 hours this year.

I can’t wait to crash that thing...

The Plymouth Prowler - Look at it.. It looks fantastic... and yet it sucked. It is the automotive equivalent of the 90’s. All of the looks, all of the promises, yet falling short of expectations in every way.

Chevy Malibu.

Or undertake a study with the old 85th percentile rule (or whatever it was) that says 85% of car will travel at a safe speed in an area with no signage.

You know who should be setting speed limits? The engineers responsible for designing the roads in the first fucking place. Not some politician trying to make things seem good and nice and safe. Trust the people actually involved int he science of making a road safe.

Mercy sakes that is a beautiful airplane. Always loved the F-15

The SVO Mustang’s 85 mph speedo.

Because once it’s in a car, it’s either regulated or a liability.

“This Newly-Discovered Class of Galaxies Shouldn’t Exist”

Sorry, had to do it..

The marriage was annulled when the reception exceeded noise limits and the nearby residents complained.

Saying Coltsville sits in ruin “because guns” is like saying Detroit is shitsville because cars.

Except that Ron Paul has never been a chemtrail proponent as far as I'm aware. There were some rumors about him introducing an "anti-chemtrail bill" a few years ago, but those were debunked by his office:…