
Oh man...”O” Face Porg is a masterpiece

Most timely and most accurate, we have a winner.

Hi @numberthirteen, a solution to your USB management problem would be the free, open-source eBook manager “Calibre,” available on both Windows and Linux.

You should look at Calibre for managing non-Amazon books.

I’ve still not seen a Kindle design that was as satisfying to use as my first one (the old 3G one with the keyboard at the bottom). I currently have a Paperwhite and I really don’t like it. Although a large part of that is down to the horrible software on the Kindle; my first one’s interface was much simpler and

No intro music pumped me up as a kid like Amazing Stories!

Slight correction: The train goes through their house. Yikes.

Amazing Stories was so good. Most memorable was the gunner stuck in the belly gun of a WWII bomber with no landing gear and the one where the grandfather tells the story about the ghost train that pulls up in front of their house at the end.

Kill it with fire....

I really hope they like Mexican Cialis, because do I have a surprise for them!

Marissa Mayer be like...

Why not do the Vader ‘NOOOOO’ from the last prequel?

Wait... how will I get new music on my Zune now?

MS just gives up on everything it tries. What they could be doing is acquiring the resources that work, learning what makes them successful and rebrand or promote them as a better version, disassociated from the MS brand. Apple does that. They see something unique and gaining success and they buy it. The only

Nuclear war is never contained, fallout drifts and spreads over other areas and other countries. Never mind the mass loss of civilian life being a war crime.

Hell, he doesn’t care about PR. Why would he care about S. Koreans?

If a nuclear war is contained between the US and N. Korea, Trump would probably still be personally insulated from the consequences. N. Korea could possibly nuke S. Korea, Japan, Guam, and/or the US west Coast, but I think it is very unlikely they could hit Washington (or Mar-A-Lago).