
The only one I’m really waiting for is John Wick 4. Indiana Jones I have low, low, low expectations and I’m not too excited about it, but I’ll still see it. The rest of the Marvel and DC movies are more of the same. Punch and shoot without damage to their bodies, a village or city that get destroyed, feelings hurt,

I’m sure Disney got tired of seeing all those hairy palms from all the patrons going to their theme parks.

You sound like how we were when I was a kid. My parents would have this leisurely breakfast at 9 or 10am and we’d be sitting there wanting to go to Disneyland. They would get irritated at us when we were begging to go. Then we’d finally get to the park at 11am. We were happy once we were inside though. 

I remember once I put my map behind some bushes so I could pick it up later. Not sure why I did that, but I did. I went to retrieve it later in the day and it was gone. How the cast member found it is beyond me. As for cleanliness, I remember going to Magic Mountain after only going to Disneyland for decades and

That looks pretty cool! I’ll give it a gander. 

The worst street track, not F1 mind you, was the one in San Jose, CA. Suspensions were breaking because they had to go over a railroad track. Who in the world thought that was a good idea? I think they had 2 years and that was it.

I saw Basic Instinct when it first came out and that famous leg crossing view was definitely shocking because it was an unrestricted view of Sharon Stone’s crotch and I mean Pornhub type of view. After her uproar about how the director said “nobody would see it” and her subsequent rocket to stardom, I noticed that in

If that were in America people would be running to throw a towel across at least 3 chairs. And when I say running, I mean sprinting as though there was a $1000 bill sitting on the seat.

I didn’t see anyone comment on the prize being taken away from one of the two drivers. I just didn’t understand this at all. This was a tandem race with TWO drivers and all the organizers had was ONE Thrustmaster wheel and pedal box? I mean, seriously? Didn’t the organizers have a brain and think that maybe two

I used to say exactly what you said until I got a wheel that had an Alcantara covering. I didn’t want it to look like crap after a year so I threw on some Home Depot gloves and drove with those. Now I don’t think I can go without driving with gloves on. Apparently they’ve saved my fingers quite a bit. There’s a rip in

Could you imagine the model seeing what they need to wear for the first time? Their inner voice was probably “OMG, you’ve got to be kidding me. Oh well, it pays the bills.”

I saw it yesterday and the part when they were introducing Thor and the past were goofy as heck. I was thinking, is this really the movie? The guy next to me, though, loved every moment of it and went nuts after the first after trailer scene. I just thought it was “meh.”

It’s so unnecessary for movie studios to release “the big reveal” or the entire plot of a movie. I saw they were playing the Nope trailer during the NBA finals and I walked out of the room. I’m going to see the movie so why ruin it? I have no idea why the studios think it’s so important to go all out to show the

It went over $7 in some parts of California. Mono County and Beverly Hills.

Actually, you’re right about hitting the deer. For years and years I told my son that if he saw a deer on the road to just hit it. One day at around 4 am on the way to work I was confronted with hitting a deer. Like an idiot I avoided hitting the deer in the last millisecond and ended up rolling my SUV 4 times before

If he didn’t win the Oscar for best actor he would have disappeared after that very public assault. Now movie producers are between a rock and a hard place. On one hand you have an Oscar winner and on the other you have a person that assaulted someone on a show that was broadcast worldwide.

Well, it worked. He’s received $22k as I type this. He was asking for $20k. I’m sure he’ll let the gravy train ride and leave it open for more donations, cause, the more the merrier, right?

$1000 reward for the driver? Lucy! You have some ‘splaining to do!”

I’ve seen a few in Northern California though I think most people rather have Teslas because they’re everywhere. When you’re spending all that money on a sports car they’d rather buy a car where the service department isn’t also working on an Equinox. It’s just a perception thing. 

This kind of reminds me of Barry Bonds. He was Hall of Fame before he decided that Mark and Sammy shouldn’t hog the spotlight and started using “flax seed oil.” Now he’s been shunned from the Hall of Fame and his name has been dragged with an asterisk. The thing was during his early days his hitting was incredible.