Since you’re a bit confused, here’s a video:
Since you’re a bit confused, here’s a video:
My Jeep Grand Cherokee has its battery under the passenger seat. Does that mean that it won’t roll over since the battery is under the floor? I kinda doubt it.
You see that lead photo in this article with the guys standing by the doorway blasting whoever came in? More times than not that’s not happening in a multiplayer game. Everyone is usually running around like ants looking for food. It’s very rare that there’s a coordinated attack like that, though I have experienced…
So basically the amount of ships in the Navy arsenal is about the same when Jimmy Carter took place. It wasn’t until Reagan came into office that the Navy was jacked up to about 400 or more ships.
So I guess we’re past the realm of the under-$100,000 Ford GT.
If the government never stuck their stupid hands in the Social Security pot they wouldn’t have had to hand out so much. They saw all that money and said “let’s borrow.” Well, since then they’ve borrowed so much that I don’t expect to see any money when I retire. It was self sustaining until they decided to borrow.
When the blades started moving faster it reminded me of Bruce Lee and his two nunchaku sticks.
The curve of the front (not the front grill) but from the windshield to the front, reminds me of a Lotus Elan. The rest reminds me of a Saturn. I know, hate me.
I’d pull out my Garmin 60CSx on the windshield and put the large speedometer window and odometer on the LCD screen.
Since the endangered species list will be rendered obsolete by our current regime in the United States I have a feeling all animals will be up for our dinner menus. Condor? Yes please. Sauteed Blue Whale? Why thank you. Elephant tusk a la mode? Sounds interesting. Red fox? A bit gamey but sure.
That armadillo in the video needs to have a manicure and pedicure. Oh my!
Just be sure he doesn’t read poetry to us.
WTF? What is that GIF of the kid jumping? That’s crazy.
Ugh. Hopefully they won’t come too soon.
Don’t worry, not much happens after 50, except some strands of hair disappears, belly fat doesn’t seem to disappear as fast as when you’re in your 20s, and some brown spots start appearing where there were none before. Oh, and you start forgetting the easiest things, like names. That’s all you have to look forward to.…
What’s wrong with the 60s?
Oh please no! Especially Audi and Mercedes-Benz drivers. They’re ALMOST as bad as Toyota and minivan drivers on the freeway.
I love the idea of fighter pilots and all but in this day and age why do the planes have human pilots? A human can pilot it but not in the actual plane. The aircraft would be capable of tighter turns that no human could survive and perhaps have a larger payload. The fancy helmet wouldn’t be banging against anything.…
That will be covered under warranty. ;-)
Don’t you want to watch Star Wars: THE I LOVE You episode over and over again?
Don’t you want to watch Star Wars: THE I LOVE You episode over and over again?