David Lee on the Golden State Warriors was out of the lineup for quite some time because he was bitten. It just got worse and worse.
David Lee on the Golden State Warriors was out of the lineup for quite some time because he was bitten. It just got worse and worse.
I didn't even notice until after you pointed it out. Classic.
I do like that picture of the F4F by itself.
Watched the F1 race today (missed Australia) and heard the sorry engine noise. It reminds me of the F1 cars of years past when the gear box got stuck in a gear and they had to limp home. Ridiculous. They expect people to pay hundreds of dollars to come out and see V6 engines with a turbo in it?
They should surround the entire package in bubble-wrap so when the drivers get out and decide to take their frustrations out on the wheel the EXPENSIVE piece will be protected.
For those touting film, remember that Kodachrome isn't made or processed any longer (too bad because I just found 3 rolls, but I'm going develop them in B/W developer since Kodachrome was basically b/w film with dyes added). Kodachrome, when stored correctly was able to last over 100 years. Unfortunately Ektachrome…
Thanks. I guess this is silly but I didn't know they had color photos for WW I.
Leica, especially the M, definitely won't be the last camera you own. In fact, most likely when the M-2 comes out that'll cost $7k and every Leica fan will buy that leaving the M behind. Don't believe me? Look at the M8, M8.2, M9, M9p. People don't want the M8 anymore. Just look at the prices for used one verses what…