
I’ve taken my kids to work occasionally, and sometimes even had them sit in the classroom quietly reading. Hell, when I was chair of the department, a colleague even left her two pre-school age kids in my office to watch while she taught (apparently, they had pink eye).

I agree with you. I have a friend who is hoping to do as the writer and wear her baby to work and I just don’t think it’s going to work out. It would kill my concentration if I was her labmate. Infants sleep a lot but when they are not sleeping they take attention. And things that can sound like happy baby noises to

Between this and her rape comments, it’s beginning to seem like she doesn’t like womankind very much. And also, seriously lacking in critical thinking skills.

When you feel the need to name the most popular show that features a black woman to make the point that plenty of roles exist for black women, you’re missing the point.