

I don’t know how anybody takes comfort in the idea of a god like many of them describe and worship.

“Oh, we can’t possibly know his plan. It isn’t our place to ask.” “He created us and everything; we just need to be grateful.”

The morning after her wedding, she refused to look anyone in the eye and she did NOT want to talk about her wedding night.

A god that created humans to be curious then immediately punished them severely and forever for exercising that curiosity.

My parents weren’t even religious, and my sister’s and my entire upbringing was focused around avoiding sex and men. My mother terrified the two of us with a bunch of sex Ed nonsense that wasn’t true, and if we did “do something stupid and get pregnant,” we were getting abortions.

Religion really is the worst thing that humans have ever created.

Like I need another reason to burn this motherfucker to ground.

Nope. That’s the short answer.

I always take issue with this viewpoint, because it represents a profound misunderstanding of where both parties are currently at and where they’ve been in terms of recent history. Admittedly, this is a misunderstanding the media has and continues to propagate.

The answer is no. The GOP thought they had the the majority of American’s on their side because Trump won in 2016. The only explanation is they thought overturning Roe would be so popular, they didn’t need to worry about fallout.

In other words, they’re actually center-right and finally admitting that the Democrats are the same despite years of being painted as evil Communists. That’s the dirty little secret of American politics - Reagan and his successors have dragged the Overton window so fucking far to the right that mainstream Democrats

I think people really underestimate how many apathetic both-sides centrists thought they had the whole politics game “figured out” and were genuinely shocked by this because they genuinely believed that the GOP would never actually overturn Roe.

Good. I’m actually pretty moderate (registered independent), but Trump has emboldened extremists and nuts and they’ve taken over the right and gone too far. Hopefully, the blowback is bad enough that the dems can fix all the meddling they’ve done.  Sincerely hope this is the last gasp of the gop as it is today.

How delicious would the midterms be, if the Democrats SWEEP the pugs? Between the outrage about the abortion ruling and the notice about student loan forgiveness, I hate to say it, but I’m actually feeling kinda optimistic about November...

“When Slovenia sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems. They’re bringing violent insurrection. They support putting children in cages. They really don’t care. And some, I assume, are good people”

Also, Hale probably HATED Catholics. Just like many of the Founding Fathers!

Alito has never been strong on intellectual honesty and consistency.

The cruel nostalgia for the good old days of complete disregard for women’s lives is the point. Dude had to reach all the way back to the 17th century Puritanism for support of a ruling designed to affect 21st century lives. When they believed placing the father’s hat on a laboring woman’s belly relieved childbirth

Love, love, love most of these comments!

Yes, they’d administer an IQ test, and if you scored too high, out the door you went.

As someone who grew up in a once conservative Christian household, I will say this: