
Round Rocker here. We also need to get ride of election suppression laws — oh, wait. The federal judge just did that. Again. It would be a lot more purple if people would/could vote. Hope you see this, I’m back in the grays.

Made me laugh.

I belong to the “Texas Lawyers” group on Facebook and they routinely recommend that I add friends of mine who aren’t lawyers and aren’t in Texas to the group (you have to be a Texas lawyer to be allowed to join this closed group). So Facebook is not as all knowing as its reputation would indicate. Also, I always

I was an adult when this happened — and a practicing lawyer, too, but not in the criminal field — and my takeaway from all of it was, don’t ever go near any kids if you can possibly help it. You never know when some insane bullshit will materialize. I am glad these poor people are getting exonerated, not just the

I keep wondering if I could go back to a world where I didn’t have to know so much about the Dumpster. Where his dysfunctional family bullshit was not part of my daily diet. He has ceased to be the least bit entertaining, which he wasn’t in the first place. I never watched his stupid TV show, and now I know why...he’s

Probably a stupid question here, but is the new ship named after the original QE or the current one? Does it have to be the original one because they’re only named after the nonliving? I like QEI having an aircraft carrier named after her. Some accompanying aircraft would be nice, tho.

I didn’t make it clear....I’m not worried about anything but the spoil...HBO has gotten so much $$$ from me over the years that I’m incapable of giving a single fuck about whether I owe them anything. I think my thing is, as I just discovered by reading the reddit, I don’t actually feel like it’s spoiled unless I

Speaking for myself only, it’s not a moral conflict, it’s an ambivalence about getting spoiled.

HBO subscriber who wishes she was traveling for the eclipse this weekend here. And same! as to the conflictedness I am experiencing.

Hi Poot! I pay HBO every month and still I am conflicted about watching it. Also, I don’t generally mind spoilers, which is why I’m here in the first place. You are just about to convince me, though....

True Sard, but! Two words: President Pence. If he goes down with the ship, how do we deal with the prospect of President Paul Ryan?? My celebration would be sadly tempered by that thought. So sadly.

As another thread reader who is a smart person who doesn’t do much math (hence law school all those years ago), I, too commend your superior argument and your willingness to make it. Ignoring trolls is generally the best course, but here you are actually making something beautiful out of the opposite approach. Bravo!

The only thing I have to add is, why, for the love of all the goddesses, would anyone want to fuck that repulsive guy, and even more seriously, why fuck him without protection??? What is with her taste in men? She surely could have done better than Pukey McPukeface.

Yeah....interesting observation. It’s like she must have some humor, since she’s got the brains, and I’ve rarely known bright people who couldn’t see the inherent ridiculousness of things large and small. There must be some reason why she has the acting chops but does it without even a touch of funny. Side note: I was

So, Buddy, what you’re saying is, if one of your constituents, a good Republican-voting grandma, goes to Sanctuary City to visit her grandchildren, and becomes the victim of a violent crime while she’s there, you’re totally okay with her rapist going free because she never should have gone to visit those grandchildren

Abortions have little or nothing to do with it. I was referring to birth control. Who do they think goes to PP? Rich white ladies with BC prescriptions they got from their doctors?

I’m surprised I read the whole article, when I only came here to say something about how I feel about someone partially covering her bosoms with those strips of flowered fabric. I’m unsure how I feel about it. Looks ridic? More power to her? Wish my bosoms looked anything like that? I’m confused.

I guess the surprising thing is how many black people in MS apparently buy this. ??? They do have the right to move somewhere else. The once (and, I think future) Texas where I live was a surprisingly progressive place. The irony is that the rightwing white peoples’ preoccupation with getting rid of Planned

Or he just flipped and someone else is going to be charged with something.

Surely what they want is devices for the digital stuff they reveal? I’m so old that part of my brain still thinks in terms of papers that can be shredded, but I know that’s outdated.