Say Hello to Miguel Sanchez

“Reshoring,” the return of once off-shored operations, is fuelled by automation: salaries aren’t an issue without the salaried

Guessing assumption is everyone using their smartphones for an ever-expanding list of.....everything....

Thank you for this — I just did this.

ValuJet?...too soon?....

Air America?....

don’t sell yourself short: you’ve certainly shown everyone who you are...

Ha!...the only one lying is you - but I get that you can’t see that.. but seriously - keep on being you, never change...

that’s the best you can muster? seriously?!...

Yes, they did. What you said is simply uninformed (again).

Sorry, but I politely must say: I couldn’t disagree with you more

Love your whole post (and follow ups)...+10

They voted for Trump because, one way or another he made them feel all fuzzy inside with any assortment of fun little chants

This sucks.

My response was in the greys - but I am reposting my original thoughts on Belichick publicly supporting Trump via such a letter - so, as a Pats fan, resident of Massachusetts and citizen of this country - I am ashamed and disgusted

I don’t buy this - first off, one of Trump’s most repeated words out of his dumb fucking mouth has been ‘tremendous’ - it appears in this ‘letter’ in the first sentence (shocking!) - second, Belichick would never speak in such a manner, let alone write that way. Third, Belichick is smarter than this - I cannot, under

“Mind the stepchildren”

its called an eggcorn....i’ll give you a minute to look that up