Guessing assumption is everyone using their smartphones for an ever-expanding list of.....everything....
Thank you for this — I just did this.
ValuJet?...too soon?....
Air America?....
don’t sell yourself short: you’ve certainly shown everyone who you are...
Ha!...the only one lying is you - but I get that you can’t see that.. but seriously - keep on being you, never change...
that’s the best you can muster? seriously?!...
Yes, they did. What you said is simply uninformed (again).
Sorry, but I politely must say: I couldn’t disagree with you more
Love your whole post (and follow ups)...+10
They voted for Trump because, one way or another he made them feel all fuzzy inside with any assortment of fun little chants
This sucks.
I don’t buy this - first off, one of Trump’s most repeated words out of his dumb fucking mouth has been ‘tremendous’ - it appears in this ‘letter’ in the first sentence (shocking!) - second, Belichick would never speak in such a manner, let alone write that way. Third, Belichick is smarter than this - I cannot, under…
its called an eggcorn....i’ll give you a minute to look that up