Now as a Blues fan I must say......I cannot argue with that....
Now as a Blues fan I must say......I cannot argue with that....
To that point - I enjoy driving (for the most part; times of driving for/to emergency purposes aside)- the only thing that makes driving a burden to me is other drivers - specifically bad drivers - for ex., ones who suddenly don’t know how to drive when it starts to rain - or god forbid, snow
This playlist from Spotify user Jason Lawson
glad you said that - I like the trident logo part of the throwback - the uniform as a whole doesn’t work but the trident is a redeeming factor
I’d agree but both teams were wearing throwback uni’s.... (and the Mariners throwbacks aren’t the worst that exist...)
I say if presenting it as a women’s health issue makes it more palatable for female Republicans (22 in the house, 6 in the senate) then do so. I believe it is (a women’s health issue) but I also understand those that see this as a national/universal problem, for which gender need not be interjected.
well, let me clarify:
I know - I’m not surprised at all by this......I’m more shocked by the folks who are just shocked right now.....
thank you....feeling much better...can I have two?
I know Rushmore has only four heads - I listed 5 because I feel strongly that they represent the best boston sports heroes and can’t make an argument for removing one vs. another
Trump being Trump by telling the crowd what they want to hear (ie, no political ‘insiders’) - with the establishment of the GOP now falling in line behind him there is no way they will allow the convention to go off the rails entirely
It’s up to us to continue that ability to speak truth to power. We must speak out, we must refuse to follow a path of conformity to the rules of the game in life.
The last thing I need is a means to read more articles online (or worse bookmark or print-to-pdf and save— and never end up reading) but I have to ask: