@Nekoincardine: Hmm, yeah I guess you're right.
@Nekoincardine: Hmm, yeah I guess you're right.
I hate it when there's something on top of water, making it look like land. makes me wanna jump on it.
Unfortunately while looking at the house you have to look West.
@FlawedHero: Nope, it's just the Microwaves can penetrate whatever there is that's jamming it.
@LastAndLeast: Your reply was 100% pointless.
@ThaKoolAidKid: Oh yeah sorry I read it wrong.
@RedLink: Maybe he has the qualifications.
@TheGreenBeaner: Don't forget MythBusters is so invalid.
Does anyone know where I can get one of those lemonade stands? I know it's off topic, just wondering.
@firstofnormalin: Oh sorry I forgot to put like a wink at the end to show I was kinda joking around.
I can't make out how big it actually is, but it certainly looks cheap. Eww I just had a thought of the feel DX
@blyan: Yeah, I wouldn't buy their phones at all. I want Apple to test their OS on their phones properly rather than let other people spend a year to bring out the next update (*cough* Open source software *cough*)
@Trebuchet: Fother Mucker is my next catch-phrase.
@DanKrouse: Some may also just not give a shit about what phone they have and tick any of them.
@guitarherozer0: People got mistaken with "I wont buy a phone unless it ships with the latest Android update"
@Rattierevolution: Sorry for asking, but, your point is?
@FredRH: Yeah that's the word! It seems when I go on Gizmodo I forgot a lot of words....
@magus-21: Why would you try catching it? :S
@TanyaRei: Who's they?