
The complaint triggered an investigation that revealed Bradenton, who has been on the force for 12 years

“The complaint triggered an investigation that revealed Bradenton, who has been on the force for 12 years, has a longtime pattern...” 

Pregnancy is a potential consequence of sex. If a man isn’t prepared to accept that his sexual partner may choose an abortion, he shouldn’t have sex.

*sees this comment

It’s bad

Normally chewing doesn’t bother me but it seems like this “person” was deliberately smacking and just making the most amount of noise possible with the biggest open mouth possible.

The BEST pizza topping. 

Agreed. The sounds we are forced to listen to are a far greater crime than them lying about how easy it is to eat a pineapple with this method.

I can not with the mouth sounds in that video.

You know why I don’t expect better of Black Israelis? Because they’re Black Israelis. It’s the same reason why I don’t expect better of Neo-Nazis. They have already told you by their affiliation with their group of choice that they’re worthless people.

But yes, in comparison, between a group of high school students and

Oh get your racist concern trolling out of here. All anyone wanted is for the kids to admit what they’d done was racist and promise to be better people going forward. But racists like you will always find an excuse to make sure that when white people do something racist, they never have to learn their lesson and try

You can/ should wash your can opener, too.

why are your kitchen shears so dirty that you can’t use them on food, as intended?

I can respect Cardi’s mind and her work ethic, be interested to hear her political views, love to chat with her about FDR’s New Deal’s impact on world politics, surmise with her on the impact Elenor had on his personal politics and STILL be pissed as fuck at her for her anti-trans statements.

“I didn’t have much experience of how to organize domesticity.”

What you see here hinges on whether you believe that “Make America Great Again” is a dog whistle meant to unite racists, misogynists, and homophobes under one umbrella, or you’re delusional and don’t care about people who aren’t white men.

Thanks Tonja. Now my coworkers think I have some sort of Tourette Syndrome that makes me laugh out loud for no reason. If I get fired, I’m blaming you...

As a theatre person this behavior from Rush sounds ridiculously believable. I have no doubt that all of this has happened, and Rush genuinely doesn’t think any of it was more than playful backstage antics. Women for so long have been compelled to “take part” and “laugh with the group” about these things. Rush thinks

I’m sure Miss USA’s Vietnamese is flawless.

*whispers* that’s part of the joke...