
I'm thinking Conlin showed receptionist his badge as a way of kinda saying Hey, I'm NYPD, don't think about laying a glove on me (guess that didn't work too well :o). In terms of him telling Carrie meet at his place "I'll text you the address", yeah that was pretty dumb, but then again writers must have been telling

You're a Savvy Viewer—-Thanks!

Interesting!!! Can you please elaborate on how you think the BND would know what the "Deep State" is up to?

To me—-the most fascinating part of this season is Dar vs Saul. What's Saul's next move? Is Dar responsible for the bombing to protect "Deep State" interests against a dovish PEOTUS? If he is, I expect plausible deniability…if he isn't, just who is? Or is Dar a Goner? When do Saul and Carrie start working

I think they have in some ways. Look at how he disabled the baby sitters phone "Bourne" style. Look at how he managed to dig up evidence of the bomb plot conspiracy. They've done a fine job of keeping him in the game, even though he's extremely compromised both mentally and physically. Couldn't agree with you

That's a fascinating take. It seems like all indicators are pointing to Dar conspiring to keep the "Deep State" in business while PEOTUS tries to ground them. But what if you're right—-and it isn't Dar? Appreciate you making me think :o)

Agreed. I actually enjoyed his performance in Hitman 47 for the same reason—-the film was far from remarkable, but he's a thrill to watch in whatever he does.

I think it's Absolutely that simple. Dar's "Deep State" is threatened with exposure and termination by PEOTUS. All that said, look for Dar to have a plausible denial already set up should all hell break loose. Otherwise, I'm thinking if Dar is meant to go down, the show runners have been planning for his demise for

I'm thinking he DEFINITELY is behind it. But ultimately, he's too smart to ever be held responsible—-look for an air tight plausible deniability maneuver.

It's a fine point! Chalk it up to creative license I guess…

Excellent reasoning. I think this is all about Dar trying to neutralize Carrie. He views her as a threat—-said as much to Saul at his nephew's restaurant—-called her a menace, especially her meddling with PEOTUS. I'm thinking Menace's aren't good for "Deep State" business ;o)

Just my take—-could be dead wrong—-but I'm thinking guy across the street was tasked by Dar Adal (The Deep State), to somehow plant the bomb so it went off while Sekou was driving in order to create the impression that Sekou was a Terror Bomber, ALL for the purpose of manipulating and reminding the newly elected POTUS

A subtle moment was the Best part of this episode for me. When Quinn dismantles/disables the baby sitter's(Latisha) phone with one hand without looking down while looking her in the eye, then places it on the hallway bureau and tells her "People are Listening", it reminded me of just how highly skilled an operator he

And by the way, not sure Otto does want to marry Carrie. Didn't he make it clear he isn't interested anymore by mentioning he'd met someone else when they were talking in her office right before he gave her the gift he brought for Franny? That said, I may be wrong about this, but there's something almost

OH!!! OTTO DURING—-Ok Got it. You even included those two dots over the "U"—-Impressive! Well Thank-You SO Much. Guess now we know there's some kind of affiliation/relationship between Otto and MPEOTUS. Hope they expand on that a bit, should be interesting.

Had a question but it's been asked and answered—-Thanks Mandaliet :o)

Gotta agree with you on your During take—-we needed something WAY more Twisty than Carrie will you be mine! Gross and Underwhelming.

Nice codename—-I can tell you've worked with Mossad in the past.

A couple of quick observations on this past episode. The taxi driver friend of Carrie's from Amsterdam had a FULL on Israeli accent…I'd bet that actor was from Tel Aviv. Hope they make the former Iraqi judge she spoke with by phone a recurring character, he was Great! Is it just me or did it look like Ivan wanted