That was a Ba-a-ad pun.
this game looks like it's on the bleating edge of modern gaming technology.
I kind of disagree. This looks equally shitty to the first three, but with dinosaurs. Dinosaurs do, scientifically, make everything better.
I mean, it's shit. But let's do the math:
Marc Walberg > Shia Lebeuff
Dinosaurs > No Dinosaurs
therefor Shit + Marc Walberg + Dinosaurs > Shit + Shia Lebeuff.
It's science.
You know what I'd like to see Hitman movie like? To see the movie from the perspective of the targets. Have Hitman be in the background, you can catch glimpses of him and he just appears when you don't expect him to and kill the target with effiency.
That would be really interesting point of view for the character.…
May I introduce you to these set of buttons... some of you may not be old enough to know what this is... but when I was younger, i spent much of my time pushing these buttons. On the left side, we have the classic clicky power button for the NES, and on the right side... the most used reset button i have ever…
You have to understand the sport is the thing. When you know the rules, the strategies, and the expansive history behind different teams and what exactly goes on when team x is playing team y in the current year, it's a lot more exciting than when all you're getting is seeing people run randomly around a field with a…
Sigh, we need a Kotor 3, 1313 and Imperial Commando. Make them happen EA.
I'm laughing at all the people who mis-understand the bottom GIF, it's of a raccoon, this guy [the creator of Digg] posted a videoo of his cat getting attacked or something and they made a GIF of it, he saved his dogs fucking life, stop bitching about animal 'cruelty' it's a long story.
That game is nothing like ccs ... it has jewels and butterflys not candy and diabetics...
How is no one talking about the fact that a judge is overturning a jury verdict? What the hell is the point of the legal system when a trial by jury and that jury's decision doesn't matter? What is happening?
Why do I feel like we just fell behind in innovative technology by several decades?
...Isn't corporate greed wonderful?
He crashed faster than Windows ME.
Hey, I just trademarked "Fuck". Cease and desist!
It's 16 if you ask MTV...