
Remember when Thanksgiving was a holiday? And people looked forward to it, and it was kind of like, The Major Thing that happened in November?

Man, I miss those days.

Now playing

Brilliant news: In early 2014, the excellent indie starship-management game FTL will get a free Advanced Edition that adds all sorts of new stuff. Even better, the game will finally come to iPad, also in early 2014. Yessssssss.

"So EA want to make you feel like their games are a steal."


Booya! Rationality for the win right here! Some people take off the cuff comments a bit too seriously no?

Although generally you don't find many Latin names in Sweden, his parents were Argentine liberals that fled the chaos of Argentina in the 70s.

Story about Ryse? Time for my favourite comment!

"My name is Quickius Timeius Eventius, commander of the Armies of the Xbone, General of the Xbot Legions, loyal servant to the true emperor, Don Mattrick. Father to a murdered Family Sharing Policy, husband to a murdered DRM Policy. And I will have my vengeance, in this

Huh. I just tried it an hour ago, and it refused to accept the code.

New voucher code that works is:
(Check their front page in case it changes again.)

I really dislike when people compare these games.

Go Britain!! Hey America your trailer trash has nothing on our "chavs".

So, I just want to point out that I'm not one of the posters who comes here and puts a post with nothing more than "BOOBS!" in it.

Isn't boobs the point of the Darkstalkers character design? I find it strange to judge someone for ogling a design that was designed for ogling. I'm not one of those people who do the ogling but I just think there must be a logic flaw here.

AH YES, "Biebers"

That's assuming they spent zero time working on the PC version when they were making the 360/PS3 versions. Then again we might never know so.

*jiggle jiggle jiggle jiggle* what were you saying again?

The iPhone 5S May Break When Exposed To .50 Caliber Rifle Rounds

Krang's new robot body would change his relationship with The Shredder forever.

I love broccoli! Sometimes I just cok an entire steamer bag full and munch it down!