Welp thats probably not something I'd show someone I was dating! lol
Welp thats probably not something I'd show someone I was dating! lol
Looks like EA learned to leave them alone and let them do their thing.
The combat in the first game made me pass. I think I played it for 3 hours before pushing it to the side in my Steam library.
I wouldnt worry too much about what some troll on Youtube said.
Perhaps you shouldnt care so much about what a vocal minority think on the internet. They cant possibly ever speak for everyone.
"You're more predisposed to try something, whereas when you're on the PC, you might get distracted by, say, Facebook or something."—John Smedley
Its possible, though very unlikely. I was already skeptical of an MMO in The Elder Scrolls universe.
They do kinda have a point though... No matter how much you want to believe in the human race, those who dont care about looks at all are so few and far between that it almost doesnt matter how nice you are or how well you treat ladies. Insta-friendzone.
Nice try but its not a strength when it takes you until your competitor roflstomps your system into the ground to finally listen to your customers...
I agree with this sentiment. I could understand not wanting your copter to be in a game that isnt paying you for its license, but if you allow Hollywood to do it, why the hell are you against the games industry doing it?
Since people apparently cant figure this out before someone tells you, I'll tell you: Dont speak on the internet. Penis or Vajj... doesnt matter. Especially on Xbox live. Just dont. Save yourself the trouble, the headache, and the lost hope for all of humanity because there are far too many idiots and children on…
They could still release Episode 3 if they want to wait for the freaking technology to update before making a sequel....
He only eats garbage so he can relate it to us and tell us how bad it was. I'm sure he's a Brussels's sprouts type of guy at heart like me...
Dude you're a fookin' hoot. Epic beard too btw.
Or with a person who's tired of idiots making big deals out of an artistic style. I mean, you gonna get a time machine and go up to Picaso and tell him not to draw stupid looking faces because it annoys or offends you?
Objectification of pixelated people.
False. She seems to me like someone who wants to make gaming all about women being in control with men being the helpless ones, and to completely restrict artists and developers from doing what they want to do or creating the story they want to create.
I remember those... those were good... what the hell happened to those.
Taco within a taco?
A cross between Tetris and Lemmings sounds a lot like witchcraft to me...