savethethirdpedal-angry at anger management

I consider Horizon barely "open world"... It's pretty much a city with barricades up on the side of every road. Even many "off roads". I don't see anything "open" about that. Think of any other open world game (think assassins creed). You can do anything! You can look at that building and say "Hey! I want to climb

Those eyes. So dead. So cold.

Unlike a GT-R, this has a manual.

That is swimmingly embarrassing.

sixty nine dude!

Also, in photos HIDs are often pushed right into the higher color temps because it looks cool.

Who could forget our own Doug DeMuro's Plays With Cars? It was so good I read it in its entirety in under 72 hours.

I prefer the Italians….

It would be during a funeral, so you'd have to do your burnouts quietly and with respect. So bring a Tesla?



So, thaaaaaat's the belt that powers normal engines. Does she work for CNN?

You fell for the oldest trick in the book!

I find it very difficult to shave my legs while driving.

Peace, bruh.