
Pence looks like someone’s simpleton great uncle that can’t follow a conversation to save his life so just goes blank and shuts the fuck up. I’ve watched it now twice with no audio & just focused on Pence ... and it’s disturbing how so much suit fabric could be so vacuous and empty. 

She’s like the opposite of charisma.

I would bet any amount of money that the reason he wanted her to keep the baby is because he wanted to stay in her life as long as he wanted, and thought that her desire to have an abortion was nothing more than an implicit rejection of him. I would also bet any amount of money that had she carried the child to term

I really underestimated just how much work those other WRs have been putting in. I wonder whose reps will suffer now.

I know I’m a cynical old grump, but I would imagine our Corporate Overlords would straight up keep us locked in our homes with armed police forces before they’d ever let that happen.

Seriously. At a minimum they could choose one of the many specialties in the healthcare industry where their supposed “morality” won’t be burdened. Do the job or GTFO.

Meanwhile poor Tammi’s getting dragged again

Veteran here: no one has ran to get indoors to avoid having to stand outside and salute Colors more than a vet. Taking a knee seems pretty harmless when I think about the lengths people would go to to avoid having to salute the flag. Not out of any protest, mind you, merely because it was a minor irritation.

Put her in blackface and have her walk around. Then we will see if she is right.

Rapists and Child Molesters

“You had me at second cousin”

I didn’t know Donald Trump’s cum was broken.

Motherfucker will perjure himself in the first 30 seconds and then brag about all the illegal shit he did, and then lie about saying it.

i love how he was all like ‘i’m not a shitty person becuz the nra pays me. the nra pays me becuz i’m a shitty person’ like he was making some clever explanation

Service animals and emotional support animals are not the same.

Do you happen to know if they play the national anthem before WWE events?

Maybe nobody suggested it to him? I’m just here to help.

I’m just impressed that you took the time to count up the rats, but not the number of zeros...

You sure as hell shouldn’t count on the guy with the gun to help you