Capital Gainz Tax

Those are all good points. I dont want to get into the head of a wife beater, but killing someone with a gun vs. your hands or a knife or a blunt object are totally different in terms of effort. To beat someone to death or stab them takes time and effort. To grab your piece and shoot someone takes just one moment of

he’s also a dentist, not an MD or PhD

creating a disgusting, hostile environment

We did, however, master the art.

Worse, he’d then eat, like, a bunch of chili and forget all about it, restarting the cycle anew.

A “yeasty” environment? Dafuq

If there are two movies with more different audiences, I don’t know what they’d be. This is really clearly a movie aimed at talk-radio listeners and whatever you want to call that guy in these comments talking about “beta male thinking,” whereas Black Panther is aimed at people who want to see (or aren’t adverse to

It’s always good when Cookie Monster pops in to drop some wisdom.

This incredibly dumb metaphor only works if every fire in America were started by fire extinguishers.

Me at least appreciate that Willis here immediately drills down to core of argument. At one point, me deliberately engaged gun enthusiasts on Twitter, to try and understand argument. And me found in nearly every instance, their arguments crumble pretty quickly if you (irony!) stand your ground.

In all those scenes he’s a soulless machine. As a christ-figure, he doesn’t ‘resurrect’ as Murphy until the end, when he goes after the real villain.... the man who owns the police and incentivizes criminals to raise corporate profits.

wtf is satire, lol

Bulimia is so ‘87.

Same goes for Starship Troopers.

At least Heathers (the original) knew that violence was a problem and not a solution.

AMC put this trailer in front of Black Panther and I have never seen an audience turn so hostile so quickly

They should postpone this movie until it’s been, say, six months since the last U.S. gun massacre, thus assuring that it would never, ever be released.

Does there exist a lamer, more phoned-in video game cliche than goddamn zombies? Are there really players out there who aren’t sick of them, who don’t regard zombie-based games the way a diner at Olive Garden might regard a tenth basket of breadsticks? Is there some market research out there showing that zombies

Konami wants $10 for an additional save game slot. That’s all you need to know about this garbage. Fuck Konami.