Stop wasting your empathy on Trump voters. They're vampires. That's all.
Stop wasting your empathy on Trump voters. They're vampires. That's all.
"Ike Likes Me"
So everyone's problem with Hillary Clinton is that she has no charisma and is "cringeworthy" or whatever, but the very idea of the unquestionably charismatic Cory Booker is getting torn apart by, basically, the Bernie wing, before it can even really be suggested.
But @disqus_80Jor4kFT0:disqus , I have just the most *hilarious* birthday card with cartoon old ladies on the front and a punchline inside about drinking wine!!!!
Did you guys see that neologism category they had a few days ago? (I can't remember what it was called). The answers were stuff like "micro-aggressions" "kumbaya" "facepalm".
For real. Are we supposed to actually take this seriously as a headcanon? ("seriously" insofar as headcanons are taken—there's headcanons that kind of fit the narrative and enhance the story, and then there's joke headcanons that are obviously jokes that wreck the whole thing).
Only if a) Knuckles has an anatomically correct echidna penis that looks like a baby's hand, and b) Tails the Fox also has two buttholes as befitting his two tails.
Man, going back to that article on Killer Mike meeting with Bernie Sanders and reading the comments is fucking surreal.
"Double snakes"? Is she literally 7 years old?
"They use their media to assassinate real news"
I didn't see the prequels until I was an adult, but Qui-Gonn's convoluted bet with Watto in The Phantom Menace stands out to me as the kind of thing where, had I seen it as a kid, I would have been like "….I don't get it. But it's not the movie's fault, it's because I'm a stupid kid and I don't understand things yet.…
I think the idea here is that these would be the sort of 80's jokes told in the 90's, rather than the kind of joke that would arise from the 80's about itself.
Why the FUCK would anyone hire Trey Parker to be a voice actor?!
So Aladdin the Musical (possibly Aladdin on Ice?) is coming to my city and I'm seeing ads for it on TV. I'm not super into the idea of watching these Disney stage musicals because I saw Shrek the Musical and it was, as I suspected, no better than just watching the movie at home. But of all the Disney musicals I don't…
Can I just say that, first of all, jokes about "milking a bull" are so old that there's probably one inscribed on an ancient Sumerian clay tablet somewhere (this is a joke, but I believe there is an actual reference to milking a boy tiger in Coriolanus), and second of all, "milking a bull" is a joke with a joke…
Not for nothing but it did always kind of bother me how The Crucible suggests that Abigail Williams, et al, really were attempting to perform witchcraft.
My favorite ever "Deleted Article with Freaky Title" is "paper: the fat-free chocolate."
I had Fallout New Vegas in my Steam library for ages and I just now decided to download it and play it.
Your comment prompted me to try to think of a play with mass red-state appeal (similar to a discussion in some other thread about how Cars was Pixar's red-state appeal franchise).