Capital Gainz Tax

Mea culpa.

Nobody said anything like "it's her turn", either.

Bernie people:
-Accuse Hillary Clinton of thinking she is entitled to the presidency unjustly.
-Think that Bernie should have been handed the primary after losing it by 4 million votes.

"The vituperation towards Corbyn - him being a terrorist sympathiser, a Marxist, a vegetarian…They had nothing left to say in the weeks of the campaign."

Actually, it was "Stronger Together".

Yeah, that's part of it. This feeling I have is probably hypocritical on some level but it's hard to get past that whole gut reaction.

Unpopular opinion but I don't think the decision to focus more on political intrigue was a total non-starter. It could have worked. There are a lot of obvious references to Asimov's Foundation in the prequels and I think what they were going for was, since the OT was more like Flash Gordon/planetary romance-type space

Don't quote me on this but I've somehow gotten the impression that George Lucas is one of those directors who gives vague acting directions like, "okay, that was good, but next time, can you do the same thing only… you know, more?"

As long as we're being honest (the AV Club is a safe space, right?), the experience I had with both of these movies is that I tried to watch them and I got so bored I couldn't finish either of them.

You know, I've never seen this show or listened Serial and I'm talking out my ass right now. But does anyone else feel like these shows are kind of…. irresponsible? I don't know. Something bothers me about all this and I can't quite put my finger on it.

The popular girls at my school made fun of this book because LOL boobs periods.

The final twist in the knife is the WAY he did it. Did you guys hear him, going on about being "humiliated" and "demeaned"?

Yeah, it's pretty tough out there finding other women. I'm in a small town right now and it almost feels like I've exhausted all my options. That polyamory and BDSM are both absolute dealbreakers for me and like half the people on Bumble seem to be catfishes certainly doesn't help.

I was five when this came out. It was my favorite movie for years. I believe I may have had a sexual awakening to the scene where the fembots shoot bullets out of their 60's bras while Nancy Sinatra plays in the background.

I once ordered a "sandwich" at a pizza place. An open-face tomato sauce, cheese, veggie sandwich.

I applaud the intentions here but I think this is so far away from the original as to lose its integrity.

What I take from this is that even Sean Spicer considers paying attention to Cernovich to be beneath him.

Did you hear about Steve Bannon's jacuzzi having been filled with (and destroyed by) acid?

Maybe so, but it doesn't change anything. 4chan is serious about being Nazis. They say they're trolling but they're not.

Yeah, even if we end up with a President Pence, at least we can leave Trump's body out as an example to the others.