Capital Gainz Tax

They should legitimately take one of Trump's inevitable salty tweets about her book and put it on the cover. It would actually be great advertising.

This but unironically.

You'd be much happier not doing stuff like this.

Ctrl+F "working girl"

Hmm. It's been… maybe 3 years? You're probably right. I just remember that the moral of the story was that, at the end of the day, being a werewolf is awesome. Also, he turns into a wolf during a basketball game and then everyone just continues playing the game.

This is the CW's answer to everything.

I consider Twilight to be sort of a C-. Now, the House of Night series by PC and Kristin Cast, boy howdy, that there is some shit.

All of those things are good.

I think they do move around sometimes. Didn't Edward have like some other family in Alaska or something?

I very recently applied to work at Hot Topic. They asked me about my taste in music and I went with either the bands I saw on the T-shirts on sale or bands I'd heard my metalhead friend mention in passing. Then they informed me that if there was ever a convention at the nearby convention center (there often were), I

Michael Buble's bro'd up Santa Baby (excuse me "Santa Buddy") is hilarious in how stupid it is. He changes the type of car to make it more masculine.

Thank you for pointing out that Pierce Brosnan is the worst James Bond.

God, thank you. I've really started to get fed up with all these thinkpieces about how problematic this thing Kanye said while clearly in the midst of a breakdown was. Is it really necessary to write a listicle to show off how trenchant and witty and yet socially conscious you are by analyzing shit like that? Come on.

Mulan had a mom.

+1 Movies with Mikey. Great videos.

I took "underrated" to be a joke.

Alfonso Cuaron is awesome. PoA is definitely my favorite of the movies.

That's a large part of where this Trump thing got its momentum.

"Not a bro. Don't like people trying to control language on such a micro level. "

Oh my God. You said it and now it's going to happen.