@DocSeuss: I agree. I can't any game seriously if it takes itself too seriously. Not that colours are the only contributer to that, but monotone seems to be a characteristic of serious games.
@DocSeuss: I agree. I can't any game seriously if it takes itself too seriously. Not that colours are the only contributer to that, but monotone seems to be a characteristic of serious games.
This is just funny. How about "No professional models", that is, the booth babe can't be only be a booth babe and can therefore contribute somehow.
@b-radicate: Agreed
@domhnall: I concur.
Make it automatic.
Apparently Source's boob jiggle physics are lacking.
@Curse lily: Unfortunately it's a subscription service.
Cool, but graphics are still largely overrated. I think that we should applaud games like Crysis that achieve such drastic graphics, but not scoff at games for not meeting the standard.
I really love Ubi, I really do. But I have to ask, "How could they be so stupid?"
Ironically, I read this while I was supposed to be writing an Essay on Fahrenheit 451. It's 11:30 at night and I still have a solid page to do for tomorrow.
@nerve11: I seem to be the only one who can't use the pistol effectively at all.
Wait, how does the PS3 trump the 360 according to these stats? It looks pretty evenly spread to me (if you look at all of it, not just the 90+ category).
Exclusive games are stupid and a company would be stupid to develop a game exclusively unless they were given a shit load of money.
@AncientUnknown1: That would be one expensive subscription. One thing is for sure: Sony intends to MAKE money on this.
@ca$h: EVERYONE needs to see a guys pit upon booting up the dashboard.
These are pure genius.
Microsoft need to price this REAL low, so that they are losing a lot of money on it. But the more people who have it, the more they get from Xbox LIVE subscriptions and games.
Very nice!
@I'm leaving a: What do you mean "loved"? You still love it.