
Just because you prefer one console over another, and celebrate that doesn't make you a fanboy in my books. From my perspective you become a fanboy when you go out of your way to ignore the qualities of the competition and "declare war" on them. As a non-competitive person I wish everyone could appreciate each other's

@jargy1: I bought my Xbox in 2006 and it has only died once.

@AchromaticMagus: I had forgetting about the older consoles, and didn't know it was so easy to pirate Wii games.

51% had pirated a console game? That's rather high considering the hardware modifications in the way.

Wish I live there right now.

This is sweet. He should be getting payed.

This could grow into something very interesting.

@zelfmoordkonijn: I swear I'm the only one who actually prefers objective games over slayer games.

Carcasonne (that isn't spelt right.)

Isn't Justin Russo the name of a character in Disney's show "Wizards of Waverly Place"?

There's a Ratchet and Clank Option but not a Jak and Daxter option! :(

@Seethe: Down here in the deep blue sea!


I like the term "waggle war"

@Altima NEO: My Xbox is in an area where there is possibility for people (and my dog) to trip on the wire and even pull the Xbox of of the table (RIP PS2). I am very weary of wired controllers.

@Goufunaki22: It could not have been as bad as the Borderlands ending. No way.