I will not spend $60 for a beta!
I will not spend $60 for a beta!
@mobetta: ... ...
@Michael Dukakis: BRAVO!
I love this idea, but it isn't enough to make me buy a game I wouldn't otherwise. But if I were trying to decide between one game and another it might.
I'm saving for an HDTV for this reason alone.
I might almost think this was a viral ad campaign from Sony. How can somebody make something this bad?
Awesome, I'll keep an eye on this game.
@kev873: last time I ever support Bioware by buying their stuff on release. Now I have to be wary of their products.
@endless852: I still feel gypped.
I got it when it was released on Jan. 14 for 560 MS Points. WTF?!?
@Eckleberg: Ok, the first thing I will say is that I did not read your blog. I was a little daunted by the formating. But I will still comment:
Sure, as long as we have unique characters. Removing voice lets you put any personality on a character. Starting to give them voices can create a lot of characters with the exact same personality. Just look at every one of Nolan North's games.
They should have waited for the 3rd DLC to come out.
BAM! All of a sudden I have no interest.
@mdo7: THE character! I know the character would be great. Just joking, I know what you mean and I completely agree.
Same with the iPhone. It was just a nifty piece of tech until 3rd party devs stepped in and got creative.
I love it when cameos are made in games. Shows that at least some publisher's are civil among the competition. I want to see the assault rifle from Halo make an appearance (would have been great in Borderlands) but MS is too greedy.
I'm not 18 so I can't download this because you can't download from computer unless you are age of majority.
I like to know as much about a game as possible. While I will avoid spoilers from users etc, if a company wants me to know about something bad enough to release it I'm game. Then again, I'm more interested in innovation than story, so if I learn a few key story bit I don't mind.
Screwattack video was hilarious. I love those guys.