
@system11: I do, but not for gaming. And IF a decent game was made using Natal, it would have to use the controller for most stuff. I look at Natal more like an unlimited number of extra buttons on the controller without making it awkward. Voice recognition for example could be used for just about anything without

I saw this, but at the time I don't think Microsoft had anything to do with it.

Oh God...

I hope they find a way to put tactical view back into the Xbox version. Combat is terrible without it.

sadly, no. I'm at my dad's place tonight where more than 2 hours of games at a time is WAY too much. Also, I can't go to a friends house to hang with them because of my location. Looks like another New Year's Eve with my grandparents...yipee

@deanbmmv: Right, but I think that a lot of people will still shell out money for those extra features. I'm just saying that the free online costs sony money to maintain, so there has to be at least some income to support it.

Well that levels the playing field a bit. I knew that Sony couldn't afford free online for too long. Losing money on every console and all...

I think that a any game can be both casual and hardcore depending on how you play it. The most casual gamer can play CoD excessively, only the hardcore will approach it with The mindset to appreciate the game at its deepest levels.

How am I supposed to read all of that. Anyway, enjoying it so far. Very ...crap I forgot the word that means you look deep into an issue with clarity.

only borrowed. I've borrowed TONS of games. Neither me or my friends have the money to buy every game. So the games that are just single player or the games that are mediocre, only one or two of us will buy and then it gets passed around for about a year.

@wow321: Well, when it comes to comparing all games, you have to be proportionate to the time period, or else it isn't a fair fight. Clearly MW2 is more impressive than Pac-Man. But if you compare how good Pac-Man in its time and how good MW2 is now, then Pac-Man wins.

@wow321: No, because it is a sequel and most of the ideas are copied over. That doesn't mean it won't be amazing, but people will not look back on it the same way they look back on Doom or Quake.

@kagekiri: Wait, so it's OK for us to depict OTHER people's homes under attack. As long as it isn't OURS. Take that to dirty Middle Easterners! You dirty Russians! YOur homes can burn as long as ours are safe. A very American way of thinking

Americans need to, as in Cloud Cult's song: "Suck up, Suck up, and take your Medicine".

again? jeez. The only reason I didn't buy a PS3 when the price went down was because of the frequency in the "down for maintenance". Goes to show what the $60 a year does.

Mikey is the coolest guy ever and this is the funniest thing to happen in video game promotion is like...forever.

Borderlands, Hands Down.