Shit. Adande beat me to it!
Shit. Adande beat me to it!
I don’t think it’s out of the realm of possibility for two friends to get in a fight and move on from it, happens a lot really.
Seriously. I understand if it’s a non-consensual issue when it involves a minor. That’s wrong. But older, consensual adults? To me saying “only people of approximately the same age can only be with each other” is the same as saying only a man can be with a woman.
And how would you know who is he? Did you know him personally to call him a creep? An ego stroke? You really have no right to say something like that about a person unless you know them personally. The guys who were my age were all ego because they were too young to realize that they didn’t know everything, and every…
Excellent post! My husband is 15 years older than me and the side eye this site constantly gives all age gap relationships is bullshit.
I guess my point is that blanket statements about what is the appropriate age to date (as consensual adults! - super important) and proclamations of “ewwww” vary from person to person. Everyone’s different. I’ve dated all ages at all ages starting from 18 years old- mostly because I was pretty mature for my age. Your…
I don’t know. When I was 19, I was dating a 43-year old man. He was weirded out by it, and we broke up numerous times because as he says “he didn’t want me pushing his wheel chair when he got older,” but I wasn’t phased at all. And didn’t feel like there was some horrible power dynamic or anything. I was kind of scary… Prepare to lose half your evening.
So, when will SB Nation editors and writers be walking out over a trampling of their editorial rights?
Or, he’s just an spoiled, entitled asshole.
It makes me sad that young people think this is good hip hop.
Poppin’ bottles, cookin’ dope, bangin’ hoes, wearing Gucci...all at the same damn time. That’s about every bad rap song that has ever been written. Man, I miss Big L.
I think his music is bad. Bye.
That’s a lot of words to fail to point out that none of this dude’s rhymes are particularly good and show little depth and little wit. Probably because he’s churning out so many tracks, he doesn’t have time/energy to put any actual thought and work into any of them.
Yeah, it’s interesting. I guess when you sort of just consider what he’s done so far, you kind of have to wonder what’s going to be next for this guy and what kind of thing he’s going to be doing in the future. Looking back on his whole career, it seems like he’s reached a point where the big decision is where to go…
That Ryn Weaver chick needs to lay off whatever mood/mind altering substance she is on. Her tweets are...worrisome. I hope her family and team can help her figure out some stuff.
Something something white privilege?
She’s still valuable because some people find that sexy and she has nice boobs. If that’s not progress, I don’t know what is.
On the one hand, piss off. On the other hand, yeah you're right.