It has to be a prank. BUT: If all Strahan did was give us this precious little gem of an article of yours, then I’m all for it.
It has to be a prank. BUT: If all Strahan did was give us this precious little gem of an article of yours, then I’m all for it.
I hear you.
I thought of them, too. I still think of them often.
I ... saw that one in an actual cinema.
This is the part where we remind you that there’s a world of difference between being friendly or philanthropic and welcoming someone into your immediate, elitist, historically colonialist family with open arms.
Congratulations to Mayor Janey!
I believe the customary technical term was “cousin”.
They listened and learned, huh? To... give someone with the correct ID to prove their personhood money from their own effing bank account? Radical new concept for a bank.
He truly does look like what you’d expect to find under his parents’ basement sofa.
I still expect something else to come out about Kavanaugh. A man like that, who was (allegedly...) sexually violently in high school already and came to power early in life? And he is supposed to (allegedly...) just have stopped? Unlikely (allegedly...).
This. All day long: THIS!
As in, at least he has a chin?
Stacey, Stacey, Stacey, a word from the Goddess: Don’t talk about yourself in the third person if you would like for it to appear as if you had undergone any actual growth into holding yourself personally accountable for your own bullshit.
And now imagine throwing a hissy fit because they’re being called out for it. Oh wait-.
I scoff at the wording “your truth”. There is no such thing. Truth is not an acquired, personal taste. There is truth, and there is falsehood. Two things.
If ever there was a perfect time for “I do not think it means what you think it means.”...
Reality and Truth just never go well with that one, do they?
I don’t even have a cackle in me anymore for these people. I just want them all gone from any place of influence, including ruining people’s lives in private.
It really is a staggering example of “They’re black and therefore surely guilty of something.”