
I didn’t find it at all painful. I don’t recall any cramping that night. If I did, it was so minor I don’t even remember taking advil (I had far worse pain with an IUD insertion). I was tired, and came home and had bed rest (also for emotional reasons) for a couple of days.
I was mostly very moved because my provider

I have NO idea what/if you want any kind of resolution with this person. I personally would block her. Mostly because I would like a phone call or email or card via snail mail if someone wanted back in. I would be receptive to those things. Social media following, absolutely not.

Anthropologie, if you like colourful stuff.

I am really sorry to hear that. fuck.

I remember hearing once that a great teacher is able to teach the same subject in 3 different ways - your showing those in your section how to make models to explain the equations you/they created is a testament to your teaching skills...kudos to you!

I am so sorry :( :(

I am with you, I’m feeling this way too.

I think it was 2 weeks ago I was complaining about growing out my orange hair/bad cut? Well thank GOD it is summer, because my roots are noticably entering the upper-ombre zone.

I also began using a CC cream (or any kind of cream other than basic drugstore face cream, actually). I can’t believe I didn’t start this

My guess is severe alcoholic - I, my, I, myself, I, you.

@neverspeakawordagain - I am truly sorry for your pain.

I agree - her face looked so normal and LOVELY. She looked like a frigging teenager.

I agree with almost all of this, but why is Briana’s husband garbage??

Ha, me too. But I’d also like some magic mushrooms

The press was too busy covering Chris Froome punching a fan in the face! I’d like to see him TRY to take on a llampaca!

Never assume “no one else seems to have an issue with her”. Chances are they do, but they keep it to themselves. This doesn’t make them better than you, btw! Just remind yourself it’s not your fault she’s an asshole. She’s an asshole to everyone (TRUST ME). One day you will not let the nasty people at work get to you,

Sending you ((((((((())))))))))))

POTATOES!!!!! Get a 10 lb bag of russets and you’re set for the week (or 3 days, if you live with a hungry dude, as I do).
Boil them in batches and then use them over the course of several days. Google “resistant starch.” You will thank me later.
(Bonus savings to be spent on good butter and sour cream).

I hear what you’re saying, yet I have suffered from mental illness for decades, and it didn’t stop me from traveling. While on a downswing I happened to get an insurance payout for an accident. I left all my shit in my roommate’s house and bought a one way ticket overseas and left said roommate to deal with it all.

I love Alba Botanical’s facial specific line

I screwed up my hair last year by DIY blonde-ing. Apparently it’s common for plebs like me to be able to pull it off a couple of times and then SURPRISE! Orange.
6 months I paid a colourist $230 to ‘fix’ it, but it didn’t last. I’m brassier than an old doorknob. Then I went to my regular hairdresser for a cut and she

Thank you.

Not too much - we’re in different departments. But she has to walk past me every day, plus there is the kitchen etc...

I like the idea of treating her like the child. She obviously is one if she’s pushing 40 and needs to be told about unwanted touching. Barf.