
Thanks, Space Dude!

At this point, I think I'm just going to photoshop a star onto my picture.

That's awesome.

It's like the onion.

[] "In this Skyrim battle, 500 Draugr, 200 Skeletons and 500 Dwarven Battle. By this point in time, most parents should know that Skyrim is a dangerous expansion pack of the MMPORG World of Warcraft. The game focuses on making players think they are special fantasy characters who have fantastical powers,

I'll admit that I payed for the air vehicle unlocks because I really suck at flying and I thought that they would help. As it turns out, I still suck at flying. I was able to almost kill someone in a jet.

Thank you! I was wondering where the punchline was.

best way to stop scalpers is to make more of them.

Hey look at me. I'm in Delaware...

I read his point as they are all so very different and yet all referred to as RPG's. There should be more specific sub-genres, etc...

Dude i'm in Towson and the weather is sweet. Did you pick Loyola for the upset over Ohio?

and a real human being...

a real human being and a hero...

I love that the pilot decided to crash into the only 4 - 5 houses for miles.

I wish Dark Souls said where you are in the game.

Had to feature Cundiff... Knife in my heart. God, it still hurts.

I loved driver 2's Multi player modes. We played that for hours. I wish they would bring those back in a more modern game.

It was really hard but I remember finally beating it. I don't remember exactly how the ended though.

What? Really?! I mean it's cool that they get to show it at the Music Box in Chicago but ultimately HBO on demand would have been much more widespread and I would think more lucrative.

I want these to be good. Penny Arcade was funny. So we got that.