I'm thinking about renting that from redbox. I have no doubt that i'll love it but I'm worried about replay value. $35 is a good deal.
I'm thinking about renting that from redbox. I have no doubt that i'll love it but I'm worried about replay value. $35 is a good deal.
for the most part thin but a chicago style slice can hit the spot once in a while.
I think Dead Island. The first trailer raised everyones hopes so high but each time I see gameplay it looks less and less interesting.
He said he saw the credits so I think that means he did. The only clue I had that I had not yet "finished" the game was that I hadn't seen any credits (until after I took care of business).
I was just worried because I just got my PS3 back from YLoD repairs. I'm not knocking the beta, and YES I know what a beta is.
Oh, that sucks. I didn't know that. Why can't they just decide on the coolest shield themselves? That makes it a popularity contest not a design contest.
Oh good. They patched it. I was worried it was my PS3 as it is an older model.
Did you know you can design a shield for Dark Souls? Info is on the Dark Souls Facebook page.
best youtube comment: "What, no 1080p trailer? :("
TV/Film has HUGE labor unions.
Well he'll always have the Jamie Kennedy Experiment...
Ok, just watched the video and you meant Final Cut Express. I've heard that has more limitations.
What expensive pro camera are you using? I use Panasonic camera's and it works like a dreamboat. I haven't found any video yet that can't be at least converted to be edited on FCP.
I'm not crazy about them but they have their moments. I REALLY dislike their image, it reminds me of midnight oil and terrible community art. The Suburbs has it's moments but ultimately the album doesn't say anything that Daydream Nation didn't say better. I do love this cover.
Mr. Littlejeans, what did you think of the taypic? Best taypic ever man!
Why won't extradition happen?
Has anyone tried Child of Eden yet? thoughts?
Stones. Let It Bleed.
I am thinking of giving Alice a rent. Too much jumping? Are the visuals cool? I'm going to rent it either way, just wondering what exactly you thought of it.
Far Cry 2 Map Editor only. Or any map editor for any game but Far Cry 2 had a pretty decent map editor built in, although the game is total crap.