Looks cool. Is there multi-player?
Looks cool. Is there multi-player?
I also love the crap cards.
I totally remember Scotland Yard. What's funny is that it was the only board game we had at my Aunt's Ocean City condo. So if it rained or thunder stormed or something it was basically the only game we had to play.
Well this gives us more fodder for the shop contest.
I think that should BE the official TAY image in light of recent events.
"That password can be changed only on the same PS3 that activated the account, or through a validated email confirmation, Sony said."
Are you kidding? I found this game like 4 times more interesting than the first one.
I finished the game on PS3 but played part of it on steam. Once PSN is back up it will reflect it on steam. I think that number will go up once PSN is back up.
No, because the Ravens used to be... nevermind.
or even worse a Ravens fan!
That's fair. He had a monster season. Although by that rationale Ray Rice should have been on it last season. Running backs tend to have awesome seasons and then the next season they seem much more human.
Ha! I read the title to the article and in a snarky tone in my head I thought "don't you mean F.3.A.R?" and then I got served by the first sentence. Well played Mr. Good...
There was footage on Qore. It looks interesting. I'm still on the fence, I think it depends on when it comes out and what else is out.
Awesome work!
I love how that whole thing looks like it was purchased at Costco and installed at Aperture Science.
That is awful. This happened to me too a couple years back. although they did take my Wii, along with my PS3 and a ton of my music equipment and old powerbook with about 6 years of max/msp patches that would take me ages to rebuild. luckily me an my wife were out while it happened. Insurance was able to replace most…
1 year - An online multiplayer game based on Battle Royale