
Rebuttal via Steve Lehto

You know, I think I have made my peace with this movie. I’ll take goofy and fun (if badly made) over dour and rainy and grimdark (and badly made) any day of the week.

The US just ceded its role as a world leader to the EU and China so that a man with small hands could lie to people in Pensataucky about coal jobs that are never coming back. Hurray?

This Kathy Griffin situation has had me seething and is a prime example of why I’m hesitant to identify as a liberal/Democrat despite my politics aligning with them.

It’s unclear what will come of the investigation (though my guess is “not much”)

Gizmodo has gadgets and gizmos a-plenty. It also has whozits and whatzits galore. You want thingamabobs? They have twenty. But who cares? No big deal. We want more.

Because it’s not the 60's anymore.

Fake Search Engine!

But the EMALS!

Because it’s an article about the U.S. motorcycle racing series and rivalries pushing the careers of American riders?

Hahaha! Look how funny and normal he is! You could almost forget him secretly funding Trump support and far right efforts online! Because, he likes video games!

A member of the cabinet, such as Secretary Chao, is not a lawmaker. That would be members of Congress. The executive branch executes the laws Congress passes, by promulgating regulations, usually after lots of input from the public and industry. Thankfully, regulations tend to be written by non-political, career civil

This is the necessary outcome of electing a party who believes that government is incompetent. They will fill the government with incompetent dunces in order to fulfill their own prophecy.


Are you alright, Melania?

Now do one of Donald Trump saying: “I resign the office of President of the United States, effective immediately.”

This was great. You know why? Because, for all of 2 minutes, I wasn’t thinking about the next four years.