
Nothing and then we hope that a white hat hacker eavesdrops on Lil Dj and shares it all with the world.

You’re right! This is so gross. I wouldn’t be surprised if he sets up some sort of version of a royal warrant of appointment system so he can recommend all the crap he likes. Double gross.

I think the argument that it’s not as bad since he was just president elect is plausible but also a sad preview of coming attractions. Definitely not plausible now though!

We all know Kellyanne Conway shilled for Ivanka on Fox & Friends and that doing so was an ethics violation. This is the same Fox and Friends that the Orange One shilled for today in that first tweet – which is ALSO a government ethics violation.

She wasn’t in control of her Twitter account? Who was, Carlos Danger?

He also famously said “Habeas corpus, habeas schmorpus.”

Get ready for a surprise!

Get ready for a surprise!

You’re right. I thought the initial bundle came with the touch controls. My mistake. The bundle I linked to with the added controls would be over $3200.

I can’t wait to read about the inevitable Florida man who ends up hospitalized for severe fecal impaction due to a panko enema.

For people that don’t already having a gaming rig (Best Buy customers?) or need to upgrade, I stand by the $3k mark.

Another example of “extreme vetting” as practiced by the current administration.

OK. You’ve been more than accommodating.

He supposedly doesn’t use email - just private courier - but I’d seriously love if the microphone was hacked and we got to hear that orange ass stain spilling his wisdom. The administration is already leaking like it’s been injected with a tanker car full of olestra.

This is fake news! Everybody knows that the current occupant of the White House and all his staff are the most ethical. Not the most ethical president, or the most ethical staff, or even the most ethical people. They are just THE most ethical. Like how iPod or iPhone is not the iPod or the iPhone. Just iPod or

3 is for the bundled system . . .

Did you even click the link? It’s $3k for that Alienware bundle. So . . . it’s not hyperbole, since my claim is quite literally is not exaggerated and can fully be taken literally.

My thinking is that for $3 grand you know you’ll have a set up that works.

Maybe it’s because people can’t/won’t/aren’t ready to drop $3 Grand for something that’s nothing more than really cool (yes, I know the device itself and the optional touch controls are $800).

I wonder what they’d power it with once it got there?