“So, basically, she’s getting the same treatment as a lot of recent purity-obsessed Progressive targets on the Left?”
I don’t think you know what you’re talking about.
Oh good, our waterhead manbaby president is fomenting nuclear holocaust, and describing it with better eloquence than he has mustered in 20 years. All good things.
It means you’re a Republican who doesn’t hate gay people. Still hate poor people, though.
“My best friends had a kid last year and when she went to hug me, I gave her a little extra squeeze because I was happy for them and hadn’t seen them in a few months. I got a shirt full of breast milk, which I think embarrassed me more than she.”
Coke Zero is excellent, and tastes a lot different than Diet Coke.
This article sucks. The remaster looks fantastic. of course it’s still going to look a little dated and blocky: it’s an almost 20 year old game that was available before HDMI/HD was standard.
I think you’re too pussy to be racist.
Imagine being such a fucking pussy you won’t even own your disagreement anonymously. You’re fighting tooth and nail with people to prove that you’re not bothered by something you’re clearly bothered by.
He sat on the sideline quietly until every reporter on Earth decided to ask him explicitly every time he was seen in public why he’s kneeling. What’s he supposed to say? “No particular reason?” Please.
Pro tip: the best way to display that you actually don’t give a shit about the thing you claim to not give a shit about is to ignore it, not post on a message board.
He quietly kneels on a sideline, has there ever been a protest more easy to ignore?
I had to go with Sessions, since he is talking about the drug war like it’s the 1980's again. Plus he has real actual legal power, which is way scarier in the here and now with Trump and his crew.
The Sessions/Koch Brothers match-up is a real head scratcher. On the one hand, the Koch’s perpetual influence on right-wing American politics has undeniably poisoned politics for the worse and instituted a wave of horrible, racist legislators. They have been around for decades, and their influence is no closer to…
I swear, if you watch videos of interviews with him from the late ‘90's/early 2000's, he is a hell of a lot more cogent. He’s still an immense moron, but he could speak in a coherent series of sentences.
The Dems are going to run Zuckerberg/Cuomo in 2020and lose by 20 points to a medical moron, and you’ll still be bitching about Nina Turner.
Furthermore, though, regardless of what your personal praxis is, if you believe ANY politician is the end all, be all of your political message then you’re probably doing politics wrong. Whether it be Bernie, or Obama, or Hillary or Eugene god damn Debs, you should never entrust the spirit of your movement to ONE…