
When I was 15, I ate 40 McDonald’s Chicken Nuggets (which, today the thought of eating ONE of those trash nuggets makes me gag), a large fry, and a Oreo McFlurry. This wasn’t a dare.

As with most video game controversy, it is inspired by the whining of literal children and a bunch of REALLY sad adults. And frankly, seeing them kvetch over this kinda stuff is music to my ears, because it means those of us who want to see broader representation in media are winning.

If my Dad devoted his life to shooting an endangered animal that just stands around eating grass all day, i’d feel pretty ambivalent the day I heard one decided to ground his ass into fertilizer.

Lol, they aren’t going to throw him under the bus. They are fully invested.

I feel like Nioh is being snubbed here. It’s a PS4 exclusive and a great game, one of my favorites for the system so far. Anybody who is a fan of Bloodborne I feel would also like Nioh, and with Destiny 2 coming up, maybe Destiny could be exchanged for another worthy console exclusive? With Nioh and Horizon, you build

Your book sounds bad.

The Levi’s 511. Comfortable, durable, affordable, and they look good with everything.

The Levi’s 511. Comfortable, durable, affordable, and they look good with everything.

So what you’re saying is that community college should be free. I agree.

This is not true for nearly 62% of Americans, who work in small business (which is shrinking as a share of the economy, and large corps are not replacing the lost jobs. Google Labor Participation rates from the last 20 years).

Because we criticize sanctimonious media gasbags? I thought the Trumpers were like their Emperor God, and hated the media?

One dude who should have made the cut was Andrew Sullivan.

That presumes he had some sort of clout to begin with. Everyone on this list is someone who has actual prominence in the media, and whose opinions are actually considered. Tracey is too irrelevant to even be deemed unimportant.

She looks like someone who would serve crinkle fries on roller skates at a ‘50's nostalgia cab stand diner in the urban South.

Socialism for the rich, capitalism for the rest.

Look here Mr. Patriots/Cowboys/Raiders/Seahawks fan, the lowly, typically moribund Dolphins have won 6 in a row. I’ll take it if comes by an inch or a mile.

Big surprise: the pathological liar doesn’t plan to keep his promise.

I hope Kanye gets well for himself and his family.

The defeatist attitude is why you lose.

Yeah, well, a vampirific billionaire sued their previous outlet for this material into oblivion, so you may thank him for that.

Don’t you remember the age old adage “he’s gone reasonable with power”, or maybe the related one, “absolute power always makes people more grounded, absolutely”?