But is “surprise” the most important element of a story?
But is “surprise” the most important element of a story?
“oh, so there’s that moment I saw 20 times already”
They’ve done studies that show that being exposed to spoilers does not significantly alter your experience.
“It’s all pipes” - George Costanza
You should read John Krakauer’s book on Tillman, “Where Men Win Glory”. Really changed my perspective on him. I have hard time calling someone a hero for fighting in a war I disagree with (ala Chris Kyle), but Pat Tillman was an interesting fellow.
I get drunk on a more regular basis than I would like to admit, and never once has it awoken in me the urge to molest children. That may be anecdotal, I don’t know.
Since when does LSD turn you into a sexual deviant?
It’s not stopping Trump from denying it, and not stopping his dittohead, sloping forehead and protruding jaw, pond scum, trogolodyte supporters from denying it.
I love that movie, I just bought it for $5 (!) at Target, which seems like theft.
Friend asks, “how come so many politicians look and sound like my racist grandfather? Are there that many racist grandfathers out there.”
That is crazy, maybe LeBron should team with Pat Riley, somehow.