Beurre Maître d'Hôtel

Brave? Your integrity is normal for these times. Understood though. Integrity will have you selling blood plasma and stopping by food pantries. Integrity will make you familiar with homeless shelters. Today is a different story. I still stick my head out in the world and interact with those that I met while standing

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This, is just for you. Leonard Nimoy. THE BEST edition. Fight me.

I mean, I think I believe you, but another theory I sometimes float out there is that you’re the misbegotten science experiment of some 4 chan nerds who dumped years of Kinja commenter logs into a deep learning AI computer and programmed it to troll Kinja.

Whenever GMG is sold, and Splinter likely winds up ... well ... yeah .... I think there’s going to be a group of commenters who suddenly find themselves asking what the point of living is.

It’s amazing how this irrelevant, powerless junior congressperson (as internet commenters full-throatedly insist she is at every opportunity) has got conservatives in such a tizzy. I thought she wasn’t important? Which was it? 

Yep. Everything is so corrupt. Rich people like Trump always get off the hook.   Trump never got in trouble for Jeffrey Epstein.  Doubt he gets in trouble for this.  

This ain’t gonna work out the way some of y’all think it will.

yeah, im pretty sure that is public knowledge now. a lot of people like living with their head in the sand. 

you are NOT lying! was back last year for he first time in 13 years and my mouth was WIDE open.  it’s a damn shame...

Because they are biologically men.  Letting men race as women is discriminating against women.

No one was actually into Hillary. If you were, then there's a pro-choice wing of the Republican Party for you to join. 

Yes!! Thank you!

Same. In the morning it’s either CBS morning news or MSNBC. And I can only take so much of MSNBC in the morning. 

He is such a cartoon of a G-man!

“Passarelli told police that Ayoubi lobbed an anti-Semitic remark at him first, and that Ayoubi punched his driver’s side window and cracked it.

Jussie Smollett is really doubling down here. 

Hi tomato.

For me the biggest scandal of the Trump Administration is Jeffrey Epstein. Pretty crazy that Trump was friends with Epstein and now the guy that gave Epstein his unjust and crooked deal is Trump’s Labor Secretary. Why does that get so little coverage?  

This is why Bernie is the only sane choice in 2020. Politicians that take money from the rich and the powerful can’t be trusted. They are not on your side. The fact this guy was a member of Democratic Establishment tells you how corrupt the Democratic Establishment is.   
