
He used to play fallout, till he took a Sonata to the knee.

Undertale isn’t gonna win because it was such a good game or because anyone thought it deserved to win. It’s just going to win because people wanted to troll other people. That’s its legacy now. Kinda sad, right?

I recently spent some time and money getting a saturn, a mod chip, and a ram upgrade to play all those gems. It was totally worth it. Except that the 2 games I wanted to play most dont work on modded systems so you have to hunt down physical copies. They are Gunstar Heroes and Die Hard.

Well, he’s not alive. Fahey is immortal. His rise to snacktaku emperor helped secure this deal with the devil.

Uhh where is Tomb Raider? Jesus, its a goty contender.

Antman was in all the scenes.

You are referring to peppermint Ho-Hos and Mint Hostess Cupcakes. I have them here. Look for them soon.

One of my favorite moments in gaming history is in the first Mass Effect, and you’re talking to one of your crewmates, and they ask you if you believe in God.

Holy shit dude we get it. Your shtick is to constantly mock the mls. Get the fuck over it. Shit is so old and the league has actually been pretty fun this year. Some more big names, including the two big Mexican targets is a good thing.

So nobody said anything?

No Comment: The article.

They also come in 12 packs

Could have saved a whole lot of time by simply posting -

Destiny isn’t something we’re willing to talk about right now.

The running theme of this interview....

I almost tried one, but my daughter was in the car with me and I didn’t want to expose her to the shameful things I do to my body.

I eat my girlfriend’s discarded crust, slowly, while shaking my head in disappointment the entire time.

I would have liked to post this on an actual Payday 2 Crimewave Edition post but you haven’t made one (yet), either for review or just to inform people about the game breaking bugs on Xbox One.

As a young (late 20s) reporter at a newspaper, I agree that a lot of the Urich character’s dialogue was cringe-y, but for a much more depressing reason than its silliness: This is exactly how late-career newspaper journalists talk, or at least many of those I’ve encountered.

Well, I mean, maybe he literally plans on coming into town, killing multiple people and causing millions of dollars in damage...I think it’s nice of him to warn everyone ahead of time.