
Fahey first off, that giant man is so awesome and this post is super awesome and another reason why I love you.

It's exactly what was promised from the first announcement video. It delivered on all its promises. The division is truth.

This isn’t even a question. Because odds are you get a super fly turtle neck or windbreaker in return for a soda, or if the gods truly bless you, a scarf. Fashion, is the ultimate endgame in the division. Sooner you all realize this at kotaku. The better.

While i get what your point is. It’s become irrelevant. Almost every major game in the past five years was designed as a console game that’s been ported to the PC.

Man, these ubi employees are salty dogs.

Thank you

The closed beta turned me from someone who was just curious about the game to someone who bought the gold edition. Can't wait.

So the, “meaningful contribution” standard has been lowered to that of a retweet. It was a worthwhile thing because someone else created the content and did all the work.

That’s a damn interesting way of thinking about it that I hadn’t considered. That it simply allows them to write things they want to write about.....hmmm makes sense. I mean, I get that a post like this is all about clicks but I never thought that the staffers look at them as a means to an end.

What I said above doesn't meet those requirements of proposing ways to improve?

Please see my reply to another comment. I know the author thing is only a format that's used. I was being a tad bitchy in my first post in trying to make my point that he should've added more content than just taken someone else's graphic and reposted it with one sentence.

Yeah, it’s a format, but I am pointing out that he’s better than this. At least I think he is.....

Ok. So you wrote “if, the keyword is if. Perhaps, it would look something like this.”

This is the best.

This is the best deadspin article in a long time. Yeah, there is nepotism in football. But there is a reason for it. Assholes get kicked to the side and don’t get coordinator jobs when they get fired from head coach spots if other people hate them. Nick Saban and his Offensive coordinator at Alabama couldn’t get a

Chris Berman is not only beyond gross, he can't put together a coherent thought.

I noticed that as well. If he decided to run for political office, he’d basically be Frank Underwood. That's how good he is at any mental game.

He’s the ace in the hole. No need to market him. When he shows up, it will add such a major boost in viral, social, etc.

Most likely real. “Izzy” Guttierez is a real twat. Source, used to have to talk to him every day. Fuck him. He also knows jack shit about sports, he’s as fake as they come.

Still no Rise of the Tomb Raider. Still a lackluster list. And now with Oxenfree......come on.