
n/m read that as if a non-existant comma was after the word 'possible'.... duh. :/

Do they have something to do with it not being able to be done? i.e.: preventing it??

derp derp, derrrrrp.

Your right to smoke ends when your smoke hits my face. It doesn't hurt me, I just don't fucking want to smell your shit.

Thanks to Capn Crunch!


Yeah, srsly, i thought they had all been taxed to death!

Why is there a 9V (Duracell?) battery in the second picture??

Theoretical.... I love it. Things that *might* exist (or not) *may* be passing through us (or not). YES!!!!

omg yer so l33t

Yeah, for like a dollar... (28Mil)...


Woo! This printed out plus two of those rockets they just tested and we're T-10 for launch!

Where are "natural daylight 5k" led bulbs available? Also, where are the 100W LED bulbs???

$1.00 for an incandescent with better color x 60 = 3 times better investment. I love the idea, but this is looney tunes pricing for the consumer....

Would it be possible to slow it down (using extra duplicate frames), and crop the uneven edges (producing a smoothing experience)?

Boo hoo hoo. Enough with the played out hipster self-loathing banter... It's really fucking annoying.

The USCG deems her a building since she's filled with mud and moored there permanently....

What? That SHIP was FUCKING DEMOLISHED. /rolleyes