saturated cat

I interpreted the chorus/look what you made me do as being sarcastic, especially since she had that sort of sarcastic song about her exs that played on the radio all the time from her last album. Dislike the song, but I give it half a brownie point for not being about victim hood for once.

Corpus Christi is directly in the line of fire, and its county (Nueces) was pretty evenly split in the last election (I would hazard a guess that the city itself voted predominantly democratic).

Yeah, my son’s HS football coach isn’t sure if the scrimmage will be Friday or Saturday right now, he said it will be one or the other regardless!

This being Louisiana? Corruption, most likely.

I hope your trailer burns to the ground with your children inside of it.

The whole thing played without buffering ❤️

Because he’s not intelligent, and his family has paid their way into the power positions they have. I can only assume this includes paying teachers to give him passing grades (and tell him what a good boy he is), paying doctors to help him dodge the draft, etc.

Cause that orange shitstain is an imbecile

I’m never inclined to take the cops at their word, especially when it’s based off the word of the assailant.

Remember the days where a driver in a car, upon seeing a candlelight vigil in the street, would respect it and find an alternate route?

No, that’s not justification to run anybody over for fuck’s sake. Especially pre-meditated while flipping them the bird. That’s the same bullshit cover as ‘I was afraid for my life and his wallet looked like a gun’.

“Requiring a voter to address more issues than necessary under penalty of perjury and enhancing that threat by making the crime a state jail felony appear to be efforts at voter intimidation,” she ruled.

Ovarian cancer is not detected in a pap test. If you feel you are at a higher risk for development of ovarian cancer you should talk to your doctor about it. They can do an exam for signs of ovarian cancer and possibly order other testing if warranted. Typically, ovarian cancer isn’t found until stage three or four,

But he is highly educated. He knows words. He has the best words.

As someone who’s taught English at the college level for the last twelve years, Trump’s speech pattern both makes me cringe—and is absolutely critical in understanding his appeal to his base.

Make no mistake: Trump is a barely-literate braggart who covers

Motherfucker reads at a 4th grade level. And the left to right fucking irks me. You can tell when he waits for the next line - it makes him all sound so Presidential. Apparently.

I don’t think he’s dumb. I DO however believe he’s morally bankrupt.

I think it would have to involve gifts/payments from a foreign entity. This is just run-of-the-mill corruption.

To be fair, “Fox and Friends” had not yet aired at that point and he hadn’t had a chance to see how he was supposed to respond.

Turns out everyone in this administration thinks everyone else they work with is a complete fuckwit. And they’re all correct.

The only remembrance the Confederacy should have is for it’s crimes against humanity and it’s treachery.