Probably for the same reasons why serial killers get cutesy nicknames, their victims unnamed. I cant recall a single Ted Bundy or Dahmer victim name...yet I know what those two fucks liked to eat for lunch.
Probably for the same reasons why serial killers get cutesy nicknames, their victims unnamed. I cant recall a single Ted Bundy or Dahmer victim name...yet I know what those two fucks liked to eat for lunch.
Thanks. I was feeling awful because he’s the best dog ever.
I’m having a bit of a day, I bought a king size Almond Joy, since I don’t own a gun and Asian women had nothing to do with my mood.
This press conference says as much about the cops as it does about the shooter.
I also had a really bad day on Tuesday. And Monday. And most of last week.
Who among us, after an off day, hasn’t grown a terrible Amish-style beard and lashed out violently at a specific ethnic minority? Give the guy a break, sheesh! /s
So this was a hate crime against women and not Asians? So he only hates 50% of the world’s population, not 59%. That’s.....better?
Morgan has even stated in an interview that he was interested in Markle right before she met the prince and then couldn’t handle her choosing the prince instead of him. Major sour grapes from cry-baby white-trash Piers.
Morgan has been publicly bashing Markle for over 5 years. Is that what a nice person does?
Would you tell your male coworker to smile because he’s so much more handsome when he does?
I’ve seen comments on coverage of the Cuomo allegations and of the interview with Charlotte Bennett. All these concern-trolls repeating “Why are people obsessing over something that’s not even sexual harassment... Why not focus on the real problem, Cuomo hiding nursing home deaths and killing people... etc., etc. This…
That’s some ultra incel rage right there.
It wasn’t a date - he’s married, and I’m pretty sure she saw it as just networking, then got creeped out by him - and she reportedly met Harry through a blind date, not a party. Piers is just full of shit regardless.
I had no idea I was indebted to every man I ever spoke to at a bar.
It’s also NOT GHOSTING if IT WAS NEVER A DATE, Piers. Like... does he actually think she was sexually attracted to him, that he had a real shot? I also don’t know the circumstances of this pub hangout - was it set up in advance or did she randomly see a famous tv presenter in the pub and say hi (because she was also…
It is so fucking lame and pathetic! A girl who was friendly to you didn’t immediately throw herself into your arms, so what, how many years later you’re still whining like you’re in ninth grade?
Thank you! I feel like I’m spamming at this point because no one’s bringing this up. He’s acting like a scorned partner when he was, at best, a casual drinks thing on her calendar that day. And his wife is dumping on MM too. She’s probably jealous of all the attention that Piers is giving MM. It’s insane.
.... and nothing of value was lost.
No but only because he was the villain long before he was rejected lol
Is this a real life case of someone becoming a villain because the girl turned him down for prom?