
I know it was Dunst’s original mistake, but why did Joan have to go and put it in the headline? That’s just salt in the wound.

Oh, so you’re meaning the constipated look isn’t 100% genetics?

First of all, society needs to stop making stupid people famous. At this point, we own the disappointment in celebrities. I know a ton of media jobs rely on the collective dumbassery, but it’s one perpetual slow motion shit show.

Also, the only type of men that try to pull this macho crap are light weights. No stable

Isn’t it typical that the model Nice Guy™ was actually full of hate for women. Women sat through centuries of classes in the sciences and humanities alone. None of them tried to kill themselves or anyone.

I’m reading a lot of the comments in here and (disclaimer: my wife and I met as undergrads at UCLA) I enjoy dragging USC as much (probably more) than the next guy. However, collegial fun and educational snobbery have their limits. USC is a great school and it’s got wonderful programs. As a Bruin, it pains me to say

And if this was happening to me I’d already be in jail getting screwed by lawyers and judges.

I’m not surprised. However, I suspect people have been taking pictures of Olivia Jade in so many different settings for so long that if her mother said, “Get dressed in workout clothes and sit on this rower”, OJ (who is definitely not very bright) might very well have thought “Ok!” and then never thought about it

This is my surprised face. 

Defenders: “Olivia Jade did not read any of the documents sent by the university, and therefore had no idea that picture she posed rowing was used to fake a scholarship.”

Of course they were complicit. I don’t understand why anyone though otherwise.

WHAAATTT? You mean the spoiled child of two rich people that wanted to go to college just for frat parties and Instagram photo ops doesn’t think she had to earn her way into college, and went along with Mommy’s attempt to cheat her way into college? QUELLE SURPRISE!

In-person classwork was the last thing on their minds, I’m sure, but what really must have stung is (I believe) their sororities kicked them out. 

How she talks about the tutor is pretty ironic. She turned out to be the meddling weasel in the end.
And Olivia was insipid and shallow if you go by her social media rants.

I just assumed with the staged photos this was obvious?

Okay, so can we get a promise from Jezebel not to tank her and Biden both with the “Kamala is a cop” stuff?! Lots riding on this ticket, folks.

Before we hear any of the greys talk about how this is ruining those Dems with the ramifications of Clinton....

The rich don’t care what other rich people do in their private lives, as long as it doesn’t affect them.

I dunno. It just seems to me that Amber is the aggressor. I just can’t even stand the sound of her. We never heard before that Johnny was beating ppl so why would I believe that now?

Here are some of his closing arguments that I found interesting:

I couldn’t agree more. Every time there’s an economic crisis, unemployment rates rise and various UI extensions and expanded benefits come into play you have the Republican faction attacking the recipients like their laziness and sloth is the real issue. The idea that expanded UI benefits “encourage the lazy not to