If she was white, would she be referred to as a “woman”? She was only 16. She was a girl.
If she was white, would she be referred to as a “woman”? She was only 16. She was a girl.
Are you telling me that this Negro doesn’t notice that every time these white Republicans need to lie to black voters, they pull out their one “black friend”?
You’re welcome. He was a great man. We’ll get into his failings some other day. Like the time he set himself on fire with a can of gasoline. He was the local Volunteer Fire Chief at the time!
Back in the 1960's my Grandfather was a partner in a small ruralish Ford dealership. He was a real good ol’ boy from Arkansas transplanted into small town Washington State, who looked, sounded, and acted just like Andy Griffith.
Regardless of their motivations, it’s nice to see they did the kid a solid.
And of course, the local news will run a feature on this. People tune out most commercials but pay attention to the local features.
Yeah, give the PR guy a raise. This was probably cheaper than buying a TV ad and I’m sure will sway a lot more buyers to shop at their dealership instead.
I’m sure the PR value they’ll get from this is far above what the car cost them.
Let’s not kid ourselves that this isn’t (at least in large part) an opportunity for good PR for Frank Kent MC.
Still, motives aside, good on them for stepping in to help out.
Stop acting like this is the first time. It’s not New Year without a drunk Don Lemon.
Are we pretending that Joe Rogan is actually interested in doing a fucking thing about the cult of Trump who he makes his money off grifting?
Give that woman a raise! (Haha, as if the airlines would use any of their bailout money to treat workers better.)
I was on a flight on Saturday and the flight attendant made no bones about the mask requirement. She said “I have to wear a mask for 12 hours today and I am having hot flashes. If I can do it, you certainly can wear yours for two hours.” That got a huge round of applause, and deservedly so.
“Her mission is guided solely by political animus and a desire to harass, intimidate, and retaliate against a private citizen who she views as a political opponent,” the suit reads.”
(But everyone else is a “snowflake” or a “sheep”.)
But Trump’s lawyers want everyone to believe he’s being politically persecuted. Prosecuted, not persecuted.
> If it helps Trump feel better, at least James can’t put him in jail because her investigation is civil, not criminal, the Times reports.
This is why people were saying NOT to separate the BBB from the infrastructure bill. They knew that someone was going to pull this shit. (People being anyone with damn eyes and some sense)
My buddy has an awesome jury line and it’s not lying. When they invariably ask if there was anything preventing him from being an unbiased juror (or whatever), he always says “Nope. I watch a lot of Law and Order so I know how this all works. I’m ready.”
He’s never been selected and he isn’t lying. He fucking loves Law…
I used to be selected for jury duty every year or two and they’d bring me as far as they could without having to discount me from selection for seven years. Finally, in comments as to why I shouldn’t be selected for jury duty, I wrote that I go by my own code which may or may not coincide with the law written to…