
No, but you should at least stick to the theme of your headline.

Why is GoT on this list of video game disappointments? Am I missing something? Or was its disappointment just so vast that it transcended all media?

“Netflix’s The Witcher is based more on Andrzej Sapkowski’s books than it is the games.”

You’ve read 1 book and played 1 game. I don’t want to sound antagonistic here, but in what world do you think you’re qualified to talk about the franchise as a whole? Let alone dive into the politics, which btw, are very much part of the source material AND all 3 video games, and wasn’t shoved in there just so the

This is a bad take. It’s cool that you’re pumped to see Jolteon and Hitmonlee and Rhydon roaming around the wild area. It is equally cool for someone to be upset that they don’t see Bulbasaur, Squirtle, or Beedrill roaming around. I see a lot of these pieces that are framed like “Well you would never catch all 900+

“I don’t want politics in my games” is, in of itself, a political statement. If Kotick says he doesn’t want politics in the games Activision-Blizzard makes, consider why he doesn’t want you to think about policy in the games his corporation publishes.

I think you missed the part where she/masked vigilantes/the (very racially integrated) police are not necessarily better morally than white supremacists.

Me @ the entire hot mess this article is, including the fact that nearly all the images you’re showing (arguably) depict minors having sex, which you then...brush past without even really giving a second thought:

Honestly I think this is just internet people being overly salty and sensitive, as usual.

Am I the only person who find the complaint about a lack of innovation to be completely irrelevant? I mean, how many people who are planning to buy Borderlands 3 want it to be anything other than more Borderlands? I know some people are saying “I was burnt out of Borderlands after the first one, part 2 didn’t tickle

Yea, but this is knocking Epic ,and Kotaku is in the pockets of Epic.

Here’s what you’re missing.

And actually that’s a good point. Talking about consent of THINGS lessens the meaning of consent and cheapens the real issues with it for ACTUAL LIVING CREATURES. This is literally what-about-ism.

But feelings.

What does it mean for a game to let you consent?”
I buy the game. Consent applies to actual living things, not fictional things or objects. I do not ask my toilet if I can poop in it. I do not ask a book if I can read it. Your question is clickbait. And before anyone says anything, yes, I read the article. My

Plus the look of the clothing and props is based on XIV

Because you can get married with other players in XIV.

Wow! So the Fallout games are connected somehow?!

It’s a tough decision, but I think that the voice is true to his original character, problematic as he is... Squenix needs to do better with their black characters in the future (and FWIW I liked Sahz in XIII a lot!), but I guess they didn’t want to change him up too much from the original FF7. Barrett’s a walking

“why would I ever buy the game on the PS4 when I can play it on the switch?” That’s exactly the question those dumbasses at SONY didn’t ask themselves.