Manly guys Win
Manly guys Win
“a video game in which you can see mountains and then go there” hahahaha
I love Destiny, but no. It’s Nowhere Near an “open world” to that extent.
This is one of those posts where I want to make a comment dismissing it because its socially relevant to the country in which it was made and no country should be forced to adhere to some other countries debatable social justice. But at the same time I know .. Those Jezebelites ... will tear me apart for it.
I’m sorry you had a typo, Destiny a game with mountains and you die in 4 seconds of you go there.
I played the Taken king for 8 months, it was a nice experience but I kinda regret having spent all that time in Destiny, and I wouldn’t recommend the game to anyone, there are more fun and rewarding games than Destiny nowadays.
Why would you defend a trash show though?
But ... it plays in the future and all features are 1 to 1 recreations of their real life bodies.
Didn’t Kayaba force all the SAO players’ avatars to look like their real-life selves when he trapped them all inside the game?