
I guess that means ubisoft needs to add new server for SA besides the one they put in brazil or risk half of the brazilian playerbase being banned, because if you play without friends you get pair up with brazilian and in my experience (am living in peru) if you say anything in spanish the common response is “cala

The thing is that some of those points are gonna be the focus of the new DLC, they made a survey a long time ago about what chatacter backstory would you like to see, some of them being the main antagonist, lunafreya and aranea (the dragoon) and they already said that royal edition comes with a new dungeon for the

You are gonna judge 1 game made by a lot of different people, because of 1 guy racist tweet?

While sex with a minor is a crime (in my country the age of consent is 16 though) and well thats the law, i kinda feel bad for the guy since the minor was offering her “services” meaning he didnt forced her and saying she didnt knew if he was aware of her age means (to me) that she had no intention of telling him that

I really dont get why youtubers complain about ads being pulled from videos because they are innapropiate, is like they believe companies must be forced to put ads in their videos and pay them.

When i read “As much i loved (yes, loved)...” i thought he was talking about his son

Ok thats sounds impressive, but whats the point if you dont make anything to play with it? Im still waiting for that system seller that the switch and ps4 already have.

Wierd...all the characters have the same design from the previous game except Eruca. She used to have a tomboyish design with short hair, now she looks like your typical anime princess/warrior


I really dont get this people who try to look for the fifth leg of a cat, taking something so simple as “gerudos dont allow men, find a costume” and they themselves turn it into a non existing issue.

“Destiny, a video game in which you can see mountains and then go there”

I tried Tera myself when it was released on PC, at the time they had the same amount of endgame content as destiny (nothing) and while the combat was super fun they suffer from the same issue as any japanese MMO.

Well...i dont know if i’ll ever use their online service, Nintendo was never a company about selling multiplayer games, they barely had any on WiiU, so i could buy the console and never pay for the service and enjoy mario, zelda, the future SMTensei game. Also free NES and SNES games? sure there is thousands of titles